The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 ʻApelila 1893 — AMERICA. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


t Wr,iitt Sf< ā. »Y JUA<iVīN MH.LIK. Behold my .)and, Unarm«d, anhanueil, whil»t Europ« gToan» With weight of arui» etth*jr , Aml h»arx a .9tnrvlnjf mmuis. . .H- | T.i \ My laaU, ih*V feed.s w ' 1 Where i«ore ! "„ on ? «' smaU*tar L» ' v * 0( her brnve, he««t«K>W fnr!ed ' '** '* : LThan »11 Uj«r oī .Hr*x» IMy !Rnd, where wote«n know« S . "' | Of royat *romanhood aione; [Wh«re «very mkn & r,ofcW*T«'j — j rUx belr apparent fo & throne. ZLy iaxsd f \yiiere raa/i kn#vv hl» striengtß, Efi« strengtlh of rifht, hla jvower of . mfght, The fearfal t«wny tīger-l»ogth Of aran īn battlē for the nfg!it» !My land, wMeh «hoo* from off her \ »hore« i A thou>and Briti*h battle «hīp?, j As when some lion wakes and roaTt, ~g Atid walks iho \verid and lfcks My laiui, whieh sows the wo^H with goid, j Whiek vaughi okl worUls in ligt^H ning tongu<*, Whieh ieads the r>ld, whieh the oid, ' : An<l yet *»o young, very My land whieh reaches ( For cActas «pear or maple !eaf, ' V iAs peacefui, Uninp harve«ter V, Would gather gotdefl sheaf on she»M Come, maple Ipa!—eoane, stotwer» men 1 Of Bt<»t and bone«t C3anadaT 1 o«ice. cactu« epeur ef 7)aTien-—" s To-morrow, i'f not yet to-day. 1 One Aai,' for all, or far ®r near. *' I One flag for ali, whate*er befalī- 1 For maple leaf, for nctuf ep4ar ■ 1 One *tar-buiīC g!oriou« flag f*vrM- 1