The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 April 1893 — DIVERGENCE. [ARTICLE]

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"Lore nu LiUU. īoee ;«e Lan^," A tali giri name<3 Short lo«g )ove<i acertain i»ig Mr. Littte; while Little, ,iittie thinkiog of Miss Short, lovcl a littlelass named Loug. Sotoraake a iong story 6hort LiUle propose<i to Miss Long, and Mi>s Short long<j<l to bo evea with Littie's short eouiings. So Miss Short, meeiing Mis*Long, t'hreatencd to marry Little before long, whieh eauseU Little in a shorī time to uiarri* Mi»s Long. q U ery—Did tall >hort iove I big Littie less heeau-e l«3g Llttl<> l ioved iUUē Loiig E fili iate withia our sanctum stcK>d, And umbreUa silk a»d good, An aged but fiery tn!king ehap, £avious his eyes on it did BegnlUng us with chalorjc speech, He clasj>ed its hattdle like a leeeh, And making of our veMted rlghts a BCOff, Wil!fnl!y, knowing mū ?e!oniou«ty walkeel it A man like this must have a soal, Wouki scarce fill up a wood-bugs hoie— Uale«s he hrings it back before next rtiny night, Hi« rwan« i# Mad whea he eonses in sight, / What our doe~ r.nt hef!eve. He does n'ot man nnv for having A,< H. or any othor le't»T"» att.v-hM t > name, He does t»ot tx4ieve a lawyer 1s any keener h" a mir of spectste!es. He d?r* not N--Ueve tha: ?J! tawyer« any n:">re thsn he believe* nn eel ī- rt -nake, He d >e? not he!ieve the o»o>s fndt»«trīōti« man !lke= io vork. / wheā'he ean*t help !t, He does not he!ieve that tw-> yoongdover§ llke to l>e caaght wiīh thetr anos «round one another. H« <!oe« oot !wlieve !ha* a y--u;\-.; lady ooglit to taarrle.l U- f < r.- f S« twenty-ose af He ī!»s Bof l»tleve that ymmg ■ Mmtl«ciEien : mwy fe»efore they *re et|e ««j*pcrt n wffe,' ;,l 1: v" :