The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 April 1893 — How to Avoid a Dun. [ARTICLE]

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How to Avoid a Dun.

A »tory is told o; Mr. well ktK>wn Jn tni* city as ac ea?v-di?- ; p3slt!oneii, gocKl sprt of fellow» wh# | hts aftcoDquerahfe agaln?i : s c 0 maeh from t.iniv,u a- T)tia!i<*;dj reasoas; b«iiev-, mg. •{. wiīh inany others, ! tb«»t *tī—«^īves tbose frorn -all p€. af»iAiy i,auji.rit's to wkooi ?he liaii uot giveu means of discharging them. Some liaie ago, u certain coileeter for a inert.'haDt tai!or fou-od among hi« hill- f — sf)y io;*;-irs for a ~uit of e!otho ;\gain<t our hero, , v . n-, The , : t- '' I - "•» ,'laee of Aiki j>resentca ttie memoraucfum of in<lebtednes-. Jen*Kias Win hia ej;e over it hastily and carelesBiv, and retumed it, «aying: aonie sai6t*ike abo»t tbisj I owe iwenty-five ddllar? for a coat, I know—but nothlng more. There'3 some' one ei.«e*'s biil raixe<l up with 'uūm, Teli Mr. Rozzle (we wili so siyle the merchant lailoe) I'll eall eiown aiul >ee about it." , The eoheeioi' retired, auU surfanderetl the bill into |he hand? of Ttoz?rle, )»ut he hear??ig an<l seeing n«tbing of hts debtor for three iuontli<, ?ent tho of his "hirography to Jenkin«, •'Hello," exc]aimed that woiihi*, rr;Is?" YUiy -(olLu'- cor ;t pair cf ••WeU, that U'a gt>ou ynce. Lwl iiere, osy friend, dp the e«VUee*or>tbere ? s a Ng error eomewsipre, 1 iniend*lo have itrectified. Teil yoar employee Pllhe elown there in a week or two aad bave» that thSng straightencd- > * , A second time the collector deand delivered his «ae*sa£e as he h%d received it. The taslor knew tteitids bUL waa correct, ānd waited pctUently for Jenkins many weeks, bothe eame not, Ooee more the bill was made' by the coliector to the eye of Jsnfein§, who blustered out; f ;"VVhat the mlschief is all this about? Why confound it, all I got tbere was a Vest, tbe one I have on now. Fifty Holl3rs f«r this—well, that is eool! TeU Kozzle he must he drunk. The priee of the vest was six do3lar?. I remember it I'll pay that $ometime when 1 am .)ust hhn <n " Tbree months more e!apwd, and J«Gtkins never eaaie near the ptore settle or arrange bill, and for fhe fotirth time it went back to him. - 4t Plfty, fifty, fifty—what?—dolllīa?« questioned Jenkins, squintthe pa{)er--"flfty d«vil«! we!l a good joke." Why blei=? yonr .{s£l fch&t is inter.tlc 1 for tlfty jeuts.j I^ B pfc? the flj?ures In the wrong T wne dnwn to Waitftia one day, atid T'stepp«»! snto hi? «mi tmoght soffie American battons, and a? they had no <&&&ge conven!ent for a ten-dollar P|ili T told him Tā «tep iri jt when I got tmek. and, bv I've never thought of it It*s all right, bat I haven t my pocket a« it ni be down that ws 'r-,»w thoogh. dr.»;. : r: 1 sbe elght. nir.e pa«ed. : 'kom Jenkin«. 1 *Fnr the flfth tiroe * |ttHM9oUeetor -;ood I:: JerlJ:ii- pnth ***»• 4v«xS«t!»; «.'l' • ionlAa» īooked ::t ti;v ,/!t rf iypparently lc< in ?sprl3? t 'i-," .^3l r- • * you know/* roplitH? «oitocU>r t **īU< orcrc!.r-t * i''-' • " «inee?." aae I belleve, 1 hxve lieafd «>? him. K- > llHim. ih«t -wind!«r. T Yw* well. He i 'ay *«y

shnrp on . I uever wa? m ■ his store in ruy P4 be a#bamei to be int< j-!ace. 1 Flfty doHars! Wby, c<?ofoantl hb ■ \ vHlalnv aisd impudenoe„ Te!! 'hioa, ' !f he ever to »peak to me on "■ | thf c nh]eet, FSI kiek h!m for hls I Imwrtlnenee! !