The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 ʻApelila 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LUNDBORG'S Famous perfumes MAtlECfiAw <\f£L ROSE, GOYA LILY, ALPUHE VIOLET, HJKOBOBG'S FHENtSH COLOGNE. -X . V > «? .3^ "Oh. Dolly: lant it swset' DELICATE. EEFISEJh We havf esprfially Tor ih niM -> FINK A*-OKTMF\ PEEFUMJS Consistir-g in part of the Well; Kuoku Brands of Lundborg i Lubin, Colgate, Eastman > Cos/; etc., mrev £2c. All of which »<* oiTor nt or Kelivjl ;*f JfvKI!S"I ET ! HOLLISTER <fc CO., 100 Fort Street. * < * * * .1 I Where did you say Latest Svrelties hi Neckwear, Silk Qrprdiirf*. Ptt)onnf<, SUtsprntl?rs, Honsknrehi''U ami Panama Hats. k ßath Bohes, Bres.s. Shirts. ing .Jackets, TJnihreUas. Leather Cases, PAN PRICES s :
j WONG SAL J 1 - ?, < r>- /w 3/ /-i ; j MEECHAKT - TAILQB. ] Hotel Stmt, 36-ij c; akiiia v/ rcham lULOH i *IH* CAttMMKKI-X wauonal* J TWgJSPS, IXANMIL-* . I Sis, 4f Nssaaa ijirfrrt. ,N.'