The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 ʻApelila 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

KY AilHOHin. {•;*»> *, I>*s»jtJer*r»ī. ■* ' Aff»J 6, J*»-* A%.r.d Colicctor r t-,r \l<- I" .?'.L Tai*i. īf,~ 1- »!.]• 4 »E<3 Kuhnu. ' IHEO C. i«OfiTOS !/f i'iMMe. • ,'»■*l Fij6*?!c(c l>«**s:!r*jesr, • ■ A]int fi, l®Sr M&. HLKhU. I < LMil \l ■»iIV La« tbU . 4®! t- ! «*» - r 'i 5 C«tieci.!jr of Tatf- for ib* TUr<3 lixAts' DiT;*iao iocicd;cg tL'- I«:*od nf Hivwa;i. IHL- • t IOKiLI;. .Uißi4t«r ot 'DejWrtn>TOt <>? Honolōle, Aprs! i#*« ikm. . ■ Fi*-i *r* ī>mr.7wnr: ■; A«»l eUi»' i M«. < HMiL S ;IKNHY, I»K:KfA trt» i - -ntl{ 'L * iii-n { " k Jl< ~/>•< *1 J,'l ' ' M !"3 V '-1 <%nvi KnitsWit<**H'. €. HiU I E!i, Miiii.«t<pr ■ f Fiti*t.r<ol Vura.ce, Wo». Ai-nl Ut. WKi W. ( . WEKLH>N h'H this day h«eu stpp<iintc<l l')eputy Tax A>ses,wr nml f"olleetor of <>ab«, v:>p T. . A. Liov.l. rfsigned. J. B. t ASTLE, Assessor and Tux < V>iiector for Oahu, Approved; Thko, C. POP.fER, M!nister of Finanee. Pinanee I)epar.tment, Honoluiu, • April ,'i, jl 593. oS-lt Js"otice is lierehy given that thc Balarie« of Oovernment Kmploycs, Will hereafter be pnid on the Fir>t day c»r the iwoiM'm in>tead of the last <iny of !he inontii :i.-i heretofore. T. <'• i'OH'l'EK, Minister of Kinanee. Honoiuiu, Mareh 2i>, I "*)-2t