The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 ʻApelila 1893 — THE HAWAIIAN CLAIMANTS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


"A, certaip young. woaian of EngiUSi ha? honored this pphiie by takiDg ?hip from. her domiclle to dct forth tW Auieeieau j>eop!e her to rule Uie Hawaii&n thcir people. This p«rtieular | persou, Victom , aot iuvc4tcd svith the romaßC_e , I vkmitude» tbai liav« made i foL the preteuJcr tribe uve& patlij3tic. She 19 roj"ai biood( »or U&Mg« ls jpf the \W colore<l stock on anda. A triroi> Engltihmen®rrfed j ' her mother and wa« tabooe<! 1 "welai r»nk» of the Is!#ndi ! By a whSmslcst < hance a I k!nsman of the mother | crafty liitrtqQe ®et up «1 a oT j ■ ? pfnchbeck Klng, H!«i dēath 1 the *o-c&ne<i lsSto sphere «f to | The idwl • who auccewled tjhe tast | IHt llk|W* 1 1« |»er *n<res*or when ' *koa!d <v>mo fnr her t*&oa ihw ' fl!ro«y !i!te th<> Brltl«lv wh?> are }o? the Hatrstlan peo|le far 1 atlon 7 gmvo!y pat fort!i M £ **|r||y r|glit" UUe to «be IMikml*- K fwr s *a Ammlmn born »? How^pla, r. th« '

cf iu «pos*-5 thoī the BritHh pr<a»«eT*p» of -«ueh ma!an>Tv ln ktngly *rA abthority ■ "\yr i f it- 1-1 i-.-K p*t>*lon< i:i !k-u of their JĪled ••royaT" 'iMW. fey &e st*ut •->lort. 1 -i p*r.-H.n 1 iro?dl s ' an>t the y..ung '- J?irrng heir t>> thf?' they are no rfiore •-• 4 .led !;,■ ihan any --sther rc«i- ■&' the«e faturv AmerieAn Atnerica-u