The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 April 1893 — An Innovation. [ARTICLE]
An Innovation.
i Th«j Boyal Saloon under the manī ag«mcni of the g#nial Phll Braau ! has been arrangcd for the special i comfort of the citizeas of Hotioloiu, : and the traveling public. ; On entering the salooo, eaeh gentleuian wiil be a3ked how Ke ; likes the location, and if he asys the i saloon ought to b« placed some-, where else, the location will be im- ; mediately cha»jged. The most eona- , fortable seat in the saloon for eaeh , gentleiuan. All the latest papers, ; billiard taMe and ielephōae Jn ' comer ot Ihe roota. Drlnks everv ' minute if required, ccnsequeiatl>* no ( time lost. Waiters of every »ation- j ality and eolor 3f deaired. Every waiter is furnished with a libretto,,: button-hole bouciuet ; full dres» suit, j and haa his hair parted in the j middie. | Any yAnt not getting his drinks I red bot or iee cold, as desii'ed, please j»entlon'the ager, wh®re upon the bar«ten«fer j will be- Ulown from the mouth of a j eannon. , ! | The lias been carefully j seleeted to please everybocly, and | ean shake for thfe drink3 f pl«y liards, is a good waltzer, ean ,datice j the German, make a fourth at • •ochre, and is * living referebce| book. | The. manager will always be happy to hear that some other sal#on is the best in th£, c<)Untry. Speeiai attection given to who 'oaa give imformatlon as to } ■ho\/ nicely and how d>ffereatJy ■ y ihiags are set up at olher plaee.?. j This u Ad." careful!y cut out aud presented at the bur of the Rbyal Saioon. rorner Auuanu and Merehant streete. w gowi for the best drink, at the price.