The Liberal, Volume I, Number 61, 15 ʻApelila 1893 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION]
The Liberal.
fflt *©* 'ānmm Vā ZAM£N I>£C£Uir INFECIIS.
HONOLULI), jtl K D A Y. APIUL 15, 1893.
x NO. 61
©itc gibex*rtl. HARRY vmn WMiI'I'HKKN. HniTon OF K.Nwi.wn Veh»ion. ' Homoluia*; : : Apiui, 15, ISO3.
fia R." W. WILCOX. : I lit*KAuHooPOKOpo>'6 A pnn,*£r"; : : APF-Rīt,A ir>, iBS3.