The Liberal, Volume I, Number 60, 12 ʻApelila 1893 — The Liberal. [ARTICLE]
The Liberal.
fm H \'\ns . WKimiEKN, ~ ■Lfait>lt<>' iH' \*KK»ION, wf W'» l ' < "• \*' ! - 11 l luu* »f t)r.K*T iaugli iu*r yei tco louli 'lliei «< u nlii» 1 ! !itnon<f y<» tskln nntl,f;ilih lu'Ml pratc it« \Vt? hii\c |>ft at the fov<nnm? tit l\\ « h»\ v nJI thu amia ■n«l »rtmmuiitoti j u Hh-hu Haadi». t» hu>** t<rio<l atid truo hvirti; hc«rt«» t»f wlum «v«r> thr«b rrl«« out for ll»ar<« wliom pftti iot!r tiever !h> u«tii thc H j|r| or Uu» Hawmilan briv ( M«. *-ii J( |i. v tlU®a with th« joyou- - pvopk whose mm j*hai! »«■ WW-m at»U prv»gr«fc». V, ! \ lj-i f tljr , j u<(^ '•! f ',k \mr»K , r f)|<» <}"V«n - * f?or , r - ,nt 'r.T t:>s . *h» i;- s %»>r H'.i N »• i < li-. W!» »i nre jfo - • " *- i'* ī " Tf \>-u •* ' j "• •*!•»!- f -• - t uUp ! ' h - •• j -r ' |, : !•■ w»i - i • 1 . j j
*r* worfcH g vr>th snd m-i n tor tsocd of tbe giorn>us cia«€ cf aDoe*»|l«M» w«v firfikg lapoo ymir h* at} a reir}b&iior> tt!and> ihaīl and «tk <*» Am«rfc*c. WfH yoa ,SUbojJ! jrracefu(!y t.»r wH! yoa not* Thk «eheme ls»!ow!y matur'mg lv «i»J( the PnU'.e t<>r s hotel. We bop« ao Eciglfsh f«ndlord w!H «»btaiu control. They anderstand as mueh about rurinfuf a hot«I, w the g»st!e neii (?) of !hf i1»llr Hog-p«n Blitf7 do «U>ut journallsaj. AU the botei.« lQ the Orieat«re managed by Am*ricans, aod ll H too b«d that both th« Srst aud s#cOod el«se botets here are run on T2ngHsh Wk may loofc for a ;*oasting of Unele Sam In general, and Grover ( ItveU.r,il in pi*rtscul»r from tbe foroign corrt>«pondent§ who were pre««?i{ orrtlie oceuslon of the with- j dr.tWHl of the (>rotcettoih and eon-, «equeot l«werlng of American i flng. It wm we w»U | aclcnowledye. The unbldden tear eime to maoy nn eye. Some turned 1 th©lr eyes away from the huraltlHt- | ing 9pec|aele. Aroong others who were present was ā Qermao eolor serg«ant. The sobs broke from his jriHnly heart, as th'ro«gh hi* auhum whiskers, he m.uttered: >'< Veii boy*, dof yust brok(»s i»y imrt, und ouf I vus n s t a ysinkee. ī vud lea' dis -rountry »hure.' J * Thk total f«|>it«l stoc-k of the evening Bu(ktin ia $7,500 owned as fdHow«? 30 #hares (supposed to be in pawn at Bishop's Sam Packer, 10 aharea (alao »appo*?ed to be m pawn to Bishop 4 Ca); Afong, 0 ,shrtr<>.«; John.-on, 1 share; Mrs. Dotrj!nis, 10 «?hares; R. K. Hind, 5 shftr6s; Dr, Trouf?seau, 5 •hnre«; H. Molntyre, 5 shares. Totol 75 flhHres, par val»e $100. Marshal Hitcii<;ch. , k'h cour»e in f6ing after the saioons is eotnmendiiui u evil tbaa the liquor traftic eilsts in our midst. Tiiis is There are in
mm\ the most stringent law? 'og Ihl» evll».and'they sho6MJ edd. Xh,ere Ls one statute to i\w <jffect that prostltutes mnst ir®gi»ter and be under medlcal surv#ia«i«ce. Thi« «tatute has never been rigiM\ enlorce;l, »nd the eon-! i> tbat the most horrible Mxual dlsoasea have lioeome" rife «uu>ngst the young men of thisclty. TheMi»rshal .-?iiouUipursue;ii wiaeaoel enoservative caurse in thfs matter. Let him segregate the prostitutes, anii rt 4 fuBe tht>m pernaissiou to suli-. »'it 5n puhlie, or even to be seeu upon the streets at &uy excepttng eertam designate<l hoars. They -shouUi ullowed to oecupy eertaiu only. Sueh loealities 1 Bhoui<l he fnrdistaut from respectable neighb(īrhoods, If found livimg «Uefpliere, savo as kfept women, they i»hould l>e flned aml refufe«d a llcensē. Everyouo hhould be eompelk'd shov\ a l><x tor*s; certificate, tho aauae as in Chie*go, St. Louis, New York, Paris ai 1 other piac#s, ttiid in this way the men who visit eueh wpinen, will »void the danger »f a possihk' hospitī»l Ihv up, We e«ruestly hope Marsh»l wiH iook *nto tW». Tmk rumor thftt ller ox-Majo«tty w*B to be rostored has «ent the Advor(im lnto eonaīpllon Pre«uinlng a *uj>positional mm lf Coßftml«»toner Blount honld deelde that Her ox-MfiJesty waa dl#lhro»«<l hy |f»e , Unll««a State« fore<v«, a.«s royalhts v.*ould have b!m b*li<»ve. and «ot »n outr«g*d popokiee, th« que«tSon» arf»©; Can he rvsitoro tho e.v-Quctfn to ber lor»m»t tf!iuiHiV ls' hb HUthyrity or wiil «u have to ?ul>iuh lui d<KM*)iou to Wat?hiDgton, 1). r.,nud tt*«n Awail furlhcr orvlef; Hn-n MipjK>Miig rh| Vnit«'d .St*te« .■»hwuU; t\\- < ouditlon" to their | mul* , N i}n]r«- u>y n»?ed of | ūup.-Uiiou <>i 4 rht' L'uitud i"crUl«il,v n.'i j i,> i» :u.ti .m l up|n»rt tht< oid ordet ,< !hougU th*« f-■ * > l 1 Jn " 'i &r ( iU' U ■> ■ 'im h ih iī (h»* iiK'U übo * v :T, | " • ' n» J>.', ,* ■> • ? th-%- * «•-* :i -jj ; (•
*rr srrtfng- w pern»ft «toptd!tr an4 !o TtH» m#re qafe»f ~t%fc«~ at<vtntag <rt fhte nlfōh>^HS tatcd> rfttet^EjS' wH! tbp» ri>ra* to a f©eite. ■^WL 1 msftrr be «ett}«T x for oni?e, ever. Bat ja-£i»s 11 Go4 it> hBnveo, jißtke snEj, t fj|l prcriiil. Civiiīziition, fty «nd eo!tare will cyer ignt>raoee, idolatry aod barbHriBm. Ag*ln wc quickly ihi» re»toraUon thi>ig| I>r lur that ?nean< thn sarvivnti the attest. j j|- '*■ A2» imiiiinio of ihe atj«ra furaished iis reader? (tT»£®jjk any) by the Bulletin % is the artiele headed Attack. v The *'eye w,ID g*ve the Bu!letln refx>rter tlculrtrs" m«st have heen by thc hrflllancy of the deroratloTTs, or they weī|gj vlop hfra (ex<ruso the fl«ng) A For the Cflifii'ation of U»e we will iufortu it th«t 11. Juen nor fl. von Witrther4 Jr., \vere in the vicinity durioi the progrcfe of the troable, an(! tJitlier <-ne >aw anything of ft. AsT4r The Lip.ehal cm\ learn, C.Clark, ex-custom*s offleer m;ide an intoolite and ungent etī)anly HllUiiion tofiobt. W. Wii,cos. slr. Wtlcox, 4& nny sjjirited man, woald reseoted in»uit, aiul promj)Uv chnstfstd Ciark. We publish in f hl.s issue a oipy ol the V)th> I4th utid 15th ilieadments to the Uoited St*teSTto«titution. They ele»rly make theitdtement that annex»tion pirtcaß tbe nativtT on the sarne level withtother Americans, ;v self-evident p®position. . ,( A LEAI>£K of the Drei hAu&Ī declared to a aierchant of that h«d n shot been fltttd fmKL l&e stution, a eannon' j>all Wou(Saye gx>ne throngh the buīlding Boatou. !! W« are > i>eUeve that the '«uierctap.t of Hoaolalu -' who deciare the Bye i3 uot as truthfui as <*little of sacred memory.
HAviNr; »wn our pv?ntng' «.-i %no of the<tre! hun<lre<?" weshout<Mrtaialy know to whrtt lf any e|gni iasststftnce from the TT. f?. w|[[relied apon, When the hl|Sre<i/> among whora we l»avē>" fheaaōr of being enomerate(I t up Beretan{a ptreet on afc rtho«t 1 we did not efflct ald from the t T . S. foree.«i. WeMMhal thero \v«s a fight l>efore as r %d" we wero prepare<.lj abtī deter||ne(l to ! see It througli to tfie h!tter ml. *At | the Armory on Beretynia sSt, we I were reluforeed hy portfoo om?o. B. I Marching down to the Oov»ltaent Building: we took Ko re-sisLnnre was offert tl. loScfc by thut tlme (t wn«qilitte pluīnaai the fnrmer hragg»tdor'to and y®tei of the roynlisN was «11 bluffl Mr. | Hlount iuay re*t weH as«u«n" that i the l r . S. foree?= in no *rtse j the revohitlon. j| . lul UoeiiuaUoo y L _ &mhli oi the CoUvcU>r iliUBtrat^. ? tt? reluct» , īueii vleY Mr. B«Uh> fc i3E>« ,«glfectaf « cause bf profouiw! rea@. J| r , Smith *l»eing l a repre§«ftfjHh, popu!ar raan Iti whom' (hOMnaiunlty hJtre the ntnfioBt Tiif Libf.rai heartnv him as the proper man f th«> sext N-aeanry in the |o^ r j ronncSl. l rr—