The Liberal, Volume I, Number 60, 12 April 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Cures Dyspepsia and liidteestton ' ■ Smi Francisco. | T|ie conciliation of excejilent stomach tooics in Hood's Sarsajparilla! Is such thai, with proper attention to diit, iijdfeestlott paid even llje worst cases of iiyspepsli mo r-jcured by this medicine. Read this: "Hating for several! years; bwn gteaXtg troubled wtth indigestion, and hating teen Hood's SarsajmriUa adrertised, I conclude* to HOOD'S fi*® It a trial. To my happiness and great SAW*, faction I found it to be ike oily remedy for ™cS. x ' **"• **i ""P .. < ' : ' •I.".y.a<-- i sii!.w43i Hood's FUlls act easily, yctjproßjptlj tad •ffldanttK oa!tlw lifer and towels. 26c. LOCAL- IdKB.
S. S. AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolalo Lfl&ve Hooolnta froatS. P. . Jf«|B.F, , Mar. 23.... j .Mar. 29 Apr. 19 ~..\Apr.« THROUGH trifEFrom San Francisco From SyJtsey for for Sydney. S&u Francisco. Arrive Honolulu, - - - . Lgave Honolttht. Wm, G. IRWIN & Co., ltd. 55-tf Genfer*! Agenta. . The Steamers of this Company sail to Sao Francisco twioe every *±or,thj and every 28 d&jrft to Svtfney, via ! Samoa Mid Aueklknd, . TIMWS . and ' , ...... ... v; ■.. j . Through tickets to 111 Points In ths United States, Can be had of the [ COMPANY'S OKNgaAI, AGKKTS. Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., lid. WE G. IRWIN & CO. (LIMIXBD.) VVui. U. liiftii,. , and Mantgtir OUM Spn«k»K . . Ytoe-ftsstfeel' W. M. Giff&rvJ, Secretary <">3 Tre»«W# Tbeo. C. AaffitO* .tgrnts* 3 ' *" QCEAMC STEAMSHIP or smi nugjwoo. o»i-