The Liberal, Volume I, Number 60, 12 ʻApelila 1893 — Shall We Annex Hawaii? By Frank McCoppin. [ARTICLE]
Shall We Annex Hawaii?
By Frank McCoppin.
; In cons!4erlng thē qae?.tr«i of \ annexiDg the -Hawa'Han Mands or lof extendi»g m them j>it>teoiion ia some ,other form, there are two. f thiny~ to be eorisldered; Fir-t, the | Uomeālk a<j>ect of the ease r snd, | seeoml, the importiinee to this naUon l< % < Ssiai>iis, > ihf» sog«r psanie/>, f 9tii»ukte(l hy ihe eaormous profli« th€y were under the re«jī[procity treaty, prior to the j>a«"sage iof tbe McKinley bil! f flooded the i:fiaDds with <'ontract l«hor of the very !ovvest order, These laborers were drawn most!y fr.>iii Chlna and Japah, hut a good niany of theai ! were also brought from the South | «ea Is!ands aad the 31ade!rss, This | degmded mm& of anlmated nature | now outnumbers the natlves, aad in I t*ase of annexation would lrive fo he cared for by our Govemment, The nitive blood— and here we touch u|>on a matter that ooght to ; be treated w!th ?x>th tenderness aad plty—!s (!eeply iainted wiih the ! vīrust of an incumble-dise:ise, Atyut a thousand of these wretclied ineur ahles are now imprisoiied apon t!io Haml of Molokai, and from that 'lmprfsorimfent death alone oan n» ihem. The most hei'oie Buerlf!ce* h;tve heeti imule by Chri>#lian men :hkl woni-in, who fnced aiul suffer*'l death in ih; mo<i !ortthsome form in the T»ope of Hme] f orating the cor»di*tlnn cf the«e i:nhnppy penple-, Tho «tory F>*fhe" Onmle-,
! every he*rf not of Tiuf. fbe Governtiient <>f Hawali. «Rtural!y ten«ler of people, mā knowiog thetr vety strong «ver.-;ī<»n to bēlng 'taken to Molokal, has thus f;»r overīooked all bnt the taost fii*gmnt emes, and therefore tft< J! ii.sJands arecoaßidered hv many an/msafe pla<;o of residenee. Parentw4speciaUy vegard them as a verj* pl;K'o in whieh to hring /i[» childr©n. The«e are facts whleh eannot >e ignored, and in ēase" of nnnoxatlon ! our 0< iveriinaent would have to deal | with the üßfortanates more rlgt>rf ousiy thaii they are wlth now. I' THe natives are controlled largely i by tradltiōns aud race <sytnpathie-s ''—they ellng wlth f»nd- ! ness to the idea thut līawail should be for the Hawai;,ins, and were the iquest!on of anncxattcn <Jabmitted to | popular vote, if left to < tīiey weuld vote unanimou>ly agairist I iL To them therefui'e amiexation ; wouid auiount to eoercion. But \ 4iowever disagreeable it might l>e to I a» feetiDgB 6»f the American people ito deal with the things here menNioned, «Kin or late, nōw or here- | after, the Government of the tfnited States wi!l he underthe necessityof i dealiug with them, j Wheuever the Hawaiian flag is ! hauied down the stars and stripes l ma3t gO ap and pemain' up over f these lslands. «Tbe monsiog drqra ;'beafc 6t Bngl3nt!, fonowing the »un jftud k«€pit»g company with the f hoors m it eircle» the «an»,** mmt not b«> heard there : -the l'nited ! State.-i when nece*sary, take i aftd hold them even at the rirk <>f i war with that powerfat »atioo. I am weH aware that the Uoited Stitc- C I? not upon the aVa #tt prc-.*«"«it to hoW the i?!ands W iorce again~t England, but wilhln sixty Uay= irom the time of fin*pg the flr?t ssbot or dehVering ihe first broadalde by n Brttish into aa Ameriean -»hip m t'oe water*-of Hahaif a miiiion men would ■< mairbing into Canada, and as # result the Briti«h rt».g wiuld disappftai" from the s?onttnent of Horth ' Atoerlcā forover aiid the ' of jo&a Bpigbt woutd tn part U folHpeaking of tbe t f riited i durtng the dartt«ft dav« at
ti-c- clvi! ,>ur r in a gre?4t ; pt.tich deUvcced at RochUale—l ihlak it was—he aaid, ia sabitauce, Uje Uaāe woa!d oom€ whea from Uie fjrozen north k> th<? giowinj >outh tfeerc wouM but one govt. L rume{it auU | one fīitg aūā one code of Uw« upoa the Amenean :tiutine.r,t. But wheaever a of tt\i< oharaoter tirbes—whutJUer it be at Saa}oa, t;blle or the S*udwh:h, talpwpie >&( thi& c|auulf> eeaiūe <h&t <Ums vass is viot > t>ai ii oua;iit to be, as»d aot wbax iht*y axv wiiiiii4f to uiikke it. A couatry thit ean pay $170,000,000 jl year' Its pen-iiouen; ought to hav« a 114vy of &u£B?ieat power tu protect vhe hooor of its flag wherever it ii the memheni of the seut*ttj.aua liaam . ol Iteprēseatatives eoulU be £ufc oa boarti ano of our l>est auU Ssut drwuad the wurid it woutd do I theua «iud the couutry iuiiuitej g-vKxi. | They wouid not se« tiia of ibeif |Own oountry e.\cept ai rare iūterj vais, but thoy woulU »eo the flag of | their great rival, Et;gland,-M every I h»rbor.aud upon «very s«a the world j ruuud. They wgald isee, iiiey woukl but look, in the iortified har! or of in the Beriog sCiij iu tue water-i of J«pau,jia the. ehiiii* and i.u the tiouth l'aeiae —every\vhere withiu atrikii|g dbuueo o£ this ■v l oast—powerful eMgia<M of destruction, hekl as it were in aud jready. to he siipped verkablo wcir. At t,he very ' :ifxt -e-vsi.m of Congrewj after their j reiurn all tho forges in the laud : be abiaze, and wlihin % xm- | liuae wvukl "
| iioa :sn:oag tm,>