The Liberal, Volume I, Number 60, 12 April 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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Tlrr LIP-EHAL: l fnr| t** $tady <*K"fuHy tt-e poiwy ! fon Wowed bv Mr. OvHar. 1, V Ml«S{, r , vy . .. 4 ■u>nfc,. tfaat ;xi.iiex'f r : t , " r ' B '' Vs -- I h ' lt !*;»;. > , , ;; . CT . : >lf } Hawaiian peopU- i- ,m Lvt aD ?fS$ tbe se»iimenj» ol aatsvei on īhi? poīul, naā U . tkul ūejtdy aU aee ***§&$ 10 ® nn What tht>a restored monarcby. If th«y raw.,« get t K thpy \youltl acc<sL an independent rej»ubiic. Sow(s, for a purpose, mav -ign stibut is a i»itter piil to 'NK fi®?erthei«ss f as our annextow friēo4fi wIII disciover, īf the 1 «*«tfWtives havc a ehanee p vo(e Se« where the ° f them 3tat ?d! X«ariy i4fiaiast aunexatiou: What be <?xpeoted of tHf* hss r-docftted- nati ve eoiīie.*: oui SljMpieitHtioD t and exposes himself of his■ jace.,; \vbat (tcG- he g(~: ;r.jiīj Qur ffi' ' r *' by fair an'! that i$ ( nll ho geta. 3s§&who i>]iouiUurtd a īiile in j|Mky are now beginuing to detānrfeii!liou, and arc? iouki ug 4t£jjft&y iov the hirth of an indere|>uhlic for Hawaiii Tm Frovi-iiooal Govornment has a gfxxl pui'po_-o in jts time, ||Mn|Pteftilness has Bearly iia'.e Ics mwi- • otir fce«t nnā moat be£«ra they doubtleas did eonM uu<ler ihe tryingft Eircurastances of the past f«\y lj>|fl"i The eīeai and insuperabi« o*sB r ou that now appears against <li|iiß ls that they are not suffijejjāy representative in their , they only represent number of the people ol tlM*istoiiids. This state of fact-? a bad showing for us in the ihe wor!d. Now for the 'ren®y— Let al! the friends of enlis«ped and j>rogres>*iye governa repub!lc, whieh wow bave a representati ve eha r'lsS«..aiid wouM win for us the and {avor of tkc -Aiueneau