The Liberal, Volume I, Number 60, 12 April 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TESTIMONIALS published in • behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla. are as reOabte and worthy of confidence as if from your most trusted neighbor. YEfi QfIAN,
GENTS" FURNISHING GOODS . , JFAJNCY QQODB, ft«!? ?Ift HunrlkeTeWe'f*. Mattiug and Camphor-wood Trunks, ' and Dry Ooods. . J 31-33 NtTUAiru STREET, The HfcABqrARTERS 'Of THE EXECCUve Committee or the Annexation Club, Koom 6. Campbell Block, will bo opefrrroin s I a. M to 5;80 p. K-> and from 7 p. *. until a e. x. All those wtshincr to sign the membership i HOME INDUSTRY | HAWAU n**, entered upon u i have we. We arc tu»w prej«uc-<J ? T>est smoke ?b town at lowest coft I PRICE LIST. TvBKI?B, '£> in box... Sic KusstAN. 25 ia box ..■• 2&e MAttU, »in package. ...' Prr.2p«<A*?w —g? PATTT,6 ......... ... ........ ToowstCkkimkw*, purpart...'. ...esc AH brand" of toOOI> CIGA RS or. h*nd. , , aiul CIGARETTES made to order. . S. KOBBT A dO. rr Ki:. •vt Between Fort aa<t Bethel "St*. BOOK-BINDIN IK ALI> m BRA>'CHK<. ge*io»B, Joamal# ant) Ledgers. H»k Books, latter Oopfisg Book#, CHj Books, , %oabs AMOani Boot®, Hns«Book< lavßodlu Scrap-txxk , ' JftMrtfd&iS, Albums, t Map MoscUng, Mcslc Books, Lettering in Gold, etc., etc, .Buidiiig lu Soroceo, $heep, Ca!f,j Roan. et«*. } PAPISM HVISU. 112 HAWAIIAN tnfmTF co.„ 1' J - I *M* #=i« « ••• fv