The Liberal, Volume I, Number 60, 12 April 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BV Ai THitKITV. FtSlV' l r»T,t Apr>}€>, ~ AN MVtM. MW»T ft* Ibm o«y iWtj ,'<tl >-*«»♦ i- - ( Co(i«it/r »( 112 . ;L** 1 I'it T^ulwt DirUtoc, ic,cta*jri' * ,»• t * r«J 112 F <osu o< Urilwitß. . IHLU C J*ORTJ£R, Muuatti at Fioaoot. ' 1 FiK4\cr Drv*trxf*: ( 112 A» rit«. i*a Jt» UKHHKKr rr,\KK U'STIV Uw thv day beesi appmut* >* *x«f- «>r Skßd C'Xiwt- > of IVf* fc,.' ill*- Tl,i»»3 "I Alftfioi. ioclod»«# *I** !*hi»d 112 t Haw til. TiiEO- C, POttTEB, Minister of Fiaaoc«. tHpirlrafnE. of Fin* tic*. Hoocfots, A|>ri l»t. I*<:. 3^5 FWASC*. Dtrp*BJ*JTti Aprtl &&. lUO:?. ) Mr.,. rHAKI.KS HKSKV DrCKEt h*i tbu <lny b«-*n Awmur ami Co!hi.- j >,l l»ii i 'Fit iilfiii Di*irioi ,'<' "><■ „' 't>( Tul 112 !» <>'112 Msai, Mrtloiai IiMIM attj Kfth'K>lAW«. IHKO. a I'OKIKH, Mtßifiter «>f Finance I'< 1 . '• »'it nf Finance, I|ou«>luts, Aj>n' i«t, iftc, r<Ki vv, c. hoH tb?« tia\ l»m»u njijMiitiX'dj I 'fjiiity Tax Asses sor him! CalltM Ji.r of Ouhu, vice T. A, Uov<l, nmignt'd, J. J5. ca.stli:, Asse-ssor ami Tax Collector forOaiui. Approved: TIIEO. i'oUTEi:, Minister <if Finance. Finance Honolulu, April 3, 1893. *58-11 Notice is hereby given that t'ht Salaries of Will hereafter bo paid on the First day of the month following, instead of thu lust dsiy of tin* month at heretofore. T. ('. POUTER, , 4 Minister of Finance. Honolulu, March 2'-\ 1893, r,#;-2t POLICE NOTICE. Ail an .SjHcial Po!ic# on tbe fvl&nd <>112 Otvhu. tu<*\rinit ' »!nt<» prorlo:», to Jananr) Slhlk lWi?, nr<? luTt'Uy ("vvokwl. ' »'« VV. Q. AWjiLEV, HacK^tot«i s M'lrmli 10, 'RMto JIOTICE TO SAVINGS BANE »*r POSITORS Depositors iu the Hawaiihii I'xftUl -Sh\ t U-J is£?

•Uter*4ln <b»ir f>-r--wayd tbem at once t tht» torenil PoHoffw, Hooolalo. WAI/TP-H HIM,, I'oi >\nu ucaetat «> I I'OLICF, NOTICTK t<y*'Hw< (V brrti'i , scc« 11 ji > w i r Marshal.