The Liberal, Volume I, Number 60, 12 ʻApelila 1893 — TRUE NOBILITY. [ARTICLE]
r n«Wk*l » re>-aliy »ny»«y? | t Qo«eD3, Prince>, and FriDcesiS€«: 40l1*too!3r se long as they ara re«og- 1 nl«ed and sappoftp<l as ?uoh ?yy a • Buffictst»t »ambeT ©f a< _-r>cu ' more clvnized 4 witJadmw thelr sup[K>it from g*ftfc parasite, nothln£ i» left of 1 tit4||i otber than a ma-t tni:jerable | hu&eal fraud. j Tlm» farmer. the merchiiiu, the | meehanie, the iaventor and the | thlakerall belong to thesame grand j famiiy-ythey are the rea! Klngs-. i They form the ohty true nobiiity. I I ;■'■'■■ j