The Liberal, Volume I, Number 59, 8 April 1893 — DIVERGENCE. [ARTICLE]

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ll' Ooel Mess tbegirls |- Wkme rav«ncarls wltb our eveiilng <lream^j bauut our live« V"tihte iāpirit w!ves naiadF ha«nt the fW toothc »nr pa!ns, ! | of summer |l'iours, tbe girlsj Mw their euH?: '§jfed &es;> our human flowei- : . and mo-t mi?-*"blPvou3l 9HMF¥*r kaown »n TTawa!l, \vr-| • | wlut a ; | eokl, aa«i nevcr hrt» 9Ktt'eartb, tbe biggesf WDS/ler, mlmm fe tt»e bow f by thander! . cr!noliite h»s not asj la an sppearftn-e :ti liono-l "$• Wfaea it <?.oes tfae wlsr .5) RO doubt »&| all '•* ē Ī2C* n,>i "» «orr i's*z 'l 't ! > v 1 j |!