The Liberal, Volume I, Number 59, 8 April 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BULLETIN LIAR. [ARTICLE]

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► i.jw/ luH1uH Vf itl r. i'i " >■- >' A 1.. : \ -- liueieīin' l*t. - -> i:.trding | ,j. U \ n 1 -eporter, \ I» »i/ v , ._r \» <_ r. *»H3rtjeS eho . %\ 1 - «■ ,I I the ' he deliberutelv prevurkates, Llte U nei I n the fenee and has not \vhit of the respectand eon* piaeeii in him by hijs eoiin-l-^len. r ' The days are not far distart wheo tne Buthfin wiii see him at the ;beadof the leadißg them ' Coder the broad folds of the tiag of aud out of the elulches of Woscrupalou9 aūd designing advenE~'Rfs amh!tion i? to see the Hawalipiui uitizeu» of the Greatest of ReOnee freed from syiann!cai E JBaouirchy, and no more the tool of r hypoerlt!ear ? fOimlving [ foreiguers his c'ountrymen will realkp« whal; tcae iu<legeaāence meaua. : tT ISo oue bttows ttie se&a«ie,at > Pp<f HawaMaia hMl*r ihau fve; II īioe-. Thi>; have )yeeu tkveived peoough hy their pretend;xt mrfend>, ;» t nd tho t\rae h;\s <' :m\e for £ hali. Their }ove ot the .-ountry Wm l tlreir Jdrth is to thern me m than Yet Hawuii nei li as heen BW|p*ndent in name only. A.s soon Tasllawa:i i-5 ent/tle<; io a plaee forty-fifth stor in the Aiiaenoan & free «6mmon-

[ JP» Hswaiiar« wlli receive liberW, whiie Uae "boodLo haale" wiii ljb<jeheCke<i from further irupoaing lapon the #ood natured son of the f No reason in the world foi prai«mg tbe ex-Qaeen, &•* Rh( is no p»tter than any other o rdinary JptoQatt. She did not properlv muiuIM& digolty §f her i-trust. |j»Ye*ytKKiy knows whom hei associ=ttes were. *£be ex-Queen is to lx> pitied a« a |oor rūlālett woman, deceivec, preyid upon, ' ahd hired o her 'pwn destriietion by a clique of paraMtticai "haoies." motto adopted by the intelli»Bt natives who are more p\triotic |ui<i rnore cuaipftent ;o *eek the piffhe«f: vrelfars' of thp;r cs>untryMIWI than the corruj>t cre\? who Mtye fcasted and futtened tbe ®iw C*tinct m«narchy, i.s Ptrogn.»T—Retrogessson hevsr !' W-- ' BQUAijrry.