The Liberal, Volume I, Number 59, 8 April 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BY ADTHORIT). M'. (vtMHLi, l'AiiLU ts. tbi- r ;t* iot*<l l»vi*v»r ar< GriJeCtcr -112 f.i> - 112 >.- tfa ß V 7;:. T&x*t>ot DtTMiktoo J cluCif c iiif J»i4ad« ».f }•, sat tu Niifaao. THEO. C. POBTEIi, Minister of Fiojuw*. Fiy*acK 'DKPAi.3 **«•;, A».ns fi. IMS. M*. HEKHEKT ''LAIiK AI "I /> fcft« thi tiiO A»*- ** r -s:,J u Jt m,;d r?**v. .o«Ww inn ■ ;; si * J* *;k( <.112 !{ ( » m THkO. ( nnati.' Aiwmer of i»J«. 11« 4 .» .> : I r i>t ■* . 1( »i '5 j :»«,■< <vr» .* Fnu&K. I>w»*w**st April fab, IS®, 112 M 'iniiu IIKNK> WKF.Y h»■ 1 ' i *i. "j,j> A««w®or sod Col ' l-u.«f - il'f 'tit iM »« DivMoj , i *t , ' V!hsi Molokni J i KK S .Ur til Fiuniux Apn W. C WEEIJON ha? this d l»4jt;n appointed; Deputy Ttm mt «tn<] Collector of O'.hu, '"fee T A. LU'Vii, rcsignt tl,' J. It. CASTLE, Aamimr and. Tax Collector for Oabu Approved: THEO. C. iVIUTEIi, 1 MinMe'r of Finance. Finance Department, Honolulu, April .•?, IH9'«. 58-11 Notice i iu n b given Ihat the fiMurtes-cf < s rs uioiii Employe, will here# ftc t n 15itt( oil the day of tlia mouth foUaWlrtg, Instead of the last <la;v of UM' month as heretofore. T. C. POHTEK, Minister of Finance. Honolulu, March 20, 18ft3. 56-21 POLICE NOTICE. Alt Commissions aa Special Folic® ou tbfc Itflatul of Oftha, lwarioK date jirarioud to I«Kt, nr.. h.'». )/}' revokvd. ' (Sifi.l ' W. G. AB«LEY, Mnrahat. Hanolala, Siftrfth 10, 1993. ' 62-41 NOTICE TO SAVINGS BANK I>£POSITORS,

Banh wljio Tun?# rsol fea<J interest rot 1332 «wfc<r«U m UwtJ&ftßi IVm>S, will plwe forward tbtm Ht nunc to the Gmioml Po.-lofflw, Bonolola. WALTEH HILL, I »FostraMter Oen»r«l 501 notice All petaouH lukditiK commissions ns Special I'oHw ort the tftlnncl of Onton, ,rw» hereby flrwjtftd to return *«cb oomftilMlons* lotMhtafcwb*!'* trfflce on or Mori* Natnrd|« the 4tU dny of Mnrch proximo. (Bft.) Mr. O.ASULEY. Mfttthnl. Mflrmhal's , MtnuyX,m'- «»td