The Liberal, Volume I, Number 59, 8 April 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Thkki ar4" » i>r yoang in a t!ono!ulu, who pps.«<»«« tho h«j>i>V Wulty or "runntng thrlr raoe«" toa Tlicy coQglder gottlng tnto <l«bt thc!r onty ot*}ect Jn tife. Th« prohjnm of t>alanclng »uvount» npvor ocrttr« to theofl. Wl»on to f fs«*ttlc up" Uu«y reptv lu ainnzemcnt, «•why, do I owf, you, too? well that> «U rlght, IMI fiic k to■iorm«. M T*noorrow ncvcr 90000«, «o4 th<" mcrch»nt, t»o w!ior t | trq*t« fht iipii t*tn\y" hoy who oomo!» i*long ar\dl »tr!1c«"» hlui,'wtthout & nūurcnut\ Tf the'merchānta tnstfM<t r»f proftlnj; l>y #*|*nonce Lmualn «*«huuij>V* cnough t« Ik i . ''iliiie m>*' by «v©ry Jiui, Jack au<l jlpe th«t *Gax** «YoQg, T«r Li BRrj u *o «ym{»fithy for ' Wtto I-. tho if*wa!tftu ( o! | f>iirytKM!y !n towu' h»« "c U Iho oplum ftnd «rowo rt ib©nei. Th* !itii(tAi h»« an op! uoa a» wirtl «* i«V€»rml "clu*i/' bu, | Jreln- !*»<! to "muV i'er Ihe pr©•fmt v that !dt«r *>n„ t i|jay loh! you »o:r | Th«ro mm<vr* !ui|illc«fj SjL' em* Ik!q »»f ftie- In ' wllh th« roM*«rtf >.jTbvr*; not»sthing tn n»u':nii irtd«r!iiff «ju!<>k!y s li |iy |s ie of flnnu^!-« mjumtloii-*»>9klns '»
v- *l-V . fttrtber devek>|»nif r,s. W hav«* ! «w, opp& - f ■ i lo /'X -r>t-puily *ī-r~ H»hnin- lat wt ! |co»4 ',?&*£• > wi»t i& the wori<> t*±*- <; t© pinei- AJf»rric u- hh >uC''W-».r. W< weald liavt mu> īi ra f f"" -»>» M-'«' -U&» r*t»iiKKl, a»> IH' i- hy Uv u:* «*«st cyit»|>etfnt mnn ' rfi< 'wo fo. ihe jwslttoii. W f *jk>{ i t>or fu noticlng in lhefeeculumn> II»" inor»y ZDOU9 stTiwfc>l)»g Oi tlit ti:jisy II pēm, bat were we to «Uow thi wrthflag- j of ttre vefled moogrel l' jmu4 unhee<le(!' thc return«.d eiHe »nd the lazzarDni who, b.v a (?) c!rcuu)*tsiiic£ was ,cast «u»hore o? the raft«r of a hen-eoop, anel uia] riod th« r«latiou ot u pfrrenl#tat*»<m«n" tttlght b«gin to ?>cliev< th*t the of the oiJB, H«d in«tpid sture »f the other h«ti c»usetl us (o hc«itaU> from iueetiti£ thena in journaifstlc cuiu!mt. llad th« l«tc rcvututiuu occurrtd &nynrherc but in HH«ruii, Peters?pn, Norrie, Kenyon wouIU hayc been exflctl prouipt!y without th*f ,addition of «tuy new iaw or «tatutc. Now tho noong.rel.who are to the Hog-pei> stsilT had better g» slinv, a» they ;trc quite at- yulnerable as anyoae whoui they uiighv attyck, Let them ;bewar<f and not enter thc domain of estr«mc personttl journali*iu, lest they themseives 'oo $mot\iereā 'm thv fiUh iiiey *tir up. SS'f i)!ive |fromised to restra!n our«elves from juiyiiig further hecd to the incohērent mnllenn#? of* the Butletin journalist (?) untll he had acquire4 fuli g:rowth. Instead qf acquiriag hi« fuli growth, hosvever, iie and his journai aro growing smaller oveiry day. .Stjll,as he h«s over»teppp(l tho \x)Ui\<lh of our restraint, we «t* onee morc compelletT to trot him anei his paj»er into puhiie noliee. Now although Baniel is a bit o!der than we are, we will en<leavor to five him some tatherly advice. Dan'fe!, you, no doubt, appreciate the fa<!t that the BultetinV eheeka ,jftk4rq..i nL Jajtite
wotāB f yoyr journai (V,} vnu s««nfy "iiek tfae bucket" Your corresponding stand by is about t® dlēsert you. ls hypot4»ocated. / jyalty is non eBt. An exar»lnßUon of your bOHSted »u!>serij»t!on !Ist requlres « mtcr6Seope. An nn adverttslng m<?dtut« your paper id <«not i» it.". Daulel, by all means »t*ke a eaailile." 1 Quit the Bulletin, and Btrike the «<HawaHaa Btar M for a report©flal joi?— If theyMl bave Thk Li»ebal has 'm lihel sult on band( under the regime of its pre»ent editoi lt s?ttnis thnt <m iodividual named P<.tei>jon eohsldor? hiaistif daraigld btcause we enumerated hlm nmong other?i a=> a obQoxioUf wb|te anti-ahnexationist, and 9lated that the poBstbUity pl ftbelr exihnif w«s betng d!soussed, This Peterstnj, it wiil be retuember®d, wa» the only whitu mau iu th« ia«t reiict uf ilawaiiau Legi*latures wiio votid 1$ tliv JjOf(ei r/ HiU, JUiter ou Uo achievt>U āotoriety a ui«uibor of the iabiaet wUieli \vus u«cerowouiou->iy giveti Uie by u« |>uU,ignant Uw eaj>v i* »uother iu*tanee ol t)ut uuturt* oi lbo Coroigu llieae W® ooueiUw Uwt tiib "U»lu-aXiuu «U," «uwUi «g« siiould bivmti( iucky to auXel>; out of tbo couutry. AuU we fur(he) umuūU** (Uat were his juat Ues»ert! 4uolW out u> hliu he wjuld uoi bt iU« t-ouij*taiiuiut in n Übci aeliou ?ī, Um» t?U»IiM o( thb iwfer. Mr. reter tou, yov haU tn,Ht«r «unaJk iato i lieie, «uU Uieu puii thtit Use ii alter you. {.ii.uin. i, Allkn, Saw Allen'i «Uo#tvd >ou, ii a eharacler who h«u (ad»d frou» Ilonolulu *oci«ity iiky i &a(uacr eloui!. o>uīd *j>ii * >*iu with ihe uext uiau, auc «UAU> aif tlu fa|ry Uleo ho| toid C<ul WIUeiUAUu aud *ūvcral of Uu i ouv.e eugit|;od (U*orjjo who wu .a iW%er lu \uitc aom* ( f«r (hoo). Ucorgc, neoieE , Uiai h, he fīalu» he UiU, muu | wheu ht\ i#rojeuted ty Uio boys, ! were ai C»eurge\ i t,rig«iwlilL, ht th<* mM wm |>«.thc U< It wa - tjs|lf.e ihe ;.ui iol 5««j%
,A < • *""* " wt «P l,r er:. Ir |«-<>d o«tU thi eviī hour tu»t B|ptj| Oal r Fr?«k <*Thst'- i J« utifol b^^fd. ti n; . rer AHei* wrole||i*l t " rP .fUHrkKI «nu' of t?>e b<qfB» ail a\vf rv-<I Frnnfe. *'I heawl ' ?•< !»m- l«r<re lif4s • H'* i th4» SOBg, ft P&pU* < Ur s-"ng i;i it< <Juy. »'«t « n f <>ā rae*>tnut, ;he" Gwi*** aa ;»r. orij*iDil ( ?aok stralgfcg; • * fty \*> 3*» desrrve* lxi;low /WO. Ho.u' vc»rj' .-irnnge th,it tbedg [ cidt;diy seliool teytfherJß ! TaUe<iuah, Cherokeo, īnelīan Tw| iorv, who i> s*> rabidly pjp|>oeed t| the AmcricaQ,s, e -.!is upon theyoūor Aroerican ladies to at fareweii muaieale. * Thk folly of hugging detasioos b at lkst recogf|ized hj: the HaWit-, Uarm. They are now certainly qq the right trnek to annexat{oo, and Araerican oUizenshii>. "State hpoel* 1 ls their raotto,fiand state hood Is wh«t they will obtnin if they go RlMiUt it in the right wav. Steer clear of demagogues, work hanel iti hand with tho»e who have the interest of the country ;U heart. No Hawalmn need fear -for one uio naent, and not even thc rankest royalist will dare open!y assert that the 15th Amenciment to the Constitutioa of the United State« does n»t guar;iDtet> to the Hawaiian equality witfi his white hre{(\reti.. The organi/Jug of th& ne'w īlawaiian Ann<£xation ,League ciear}y illastratea thut the Hawaiians are beginning to judge what is for their best interests. When intelligent natives such as \Vilcox, Boyd, Markham, W. C. Gummings, C. Aehi aml Alexander Smith are ready and * williūg to work body and soul for anaexation, it is high!y encouraglng :o the eause. Its show hotr the oatives are beginning to look upou ihe naatter, and we will quote the >üblic expression of one of the best jducated haU-whiteb. He said: 4 Although the immediate bejaefits )f annexation to the present itaead nn >pportunities our childrea ao|| frand childreu wlll liave. Such a, nan surely has the good dt hia M)UDtry at heart, aml every rbat ha», be he white or brown* igr«es that annexation i# »lv*»Uon." I We pa6lish a trattBlation of tt*6 ?noBt- important portīou of the j»etl? :ion sent by-the Jnps to thelr HoudC Gfovernmejūit. The Japaaese wīali lo exercise the frimchīse. Tf a Ja» be sufflciently oducated in the lafig- ? u»ge an«l mode3 of the eonntry Jrf whieh he want? to vote, for ln« stance, if he be in the United Slatel let him be eompelled to rea<l ans write that laugqage sufficie«tty te intolligently uuderstttud the constfe tution of tbo United Stftt-es. W)ml de the Jtlpaqese know regardlbl the fundAtnenUl laws of Aod have the ehlnew not us w»tlcl right to the voting privi!ege? Aj» the stnpid coniract labQ#ersi to m admitte<l tō VQte at an electlor\? the of the 40,0t)0,0&01 Japaoe!*e in Jap«n IM lrtsuTted' m| cau*e a tot of J»]teweise "® restr!cted from Vntllftg f>ur tion to thetn wou!d fo t# cdfEeW the pei*eh. f, and lofrer <belrWjj{fc®" jp~ ' "i. «r«j- t '"'*w4b| WE. :IIRVO alwāi "* Tiettr oplnlon 4f Messra." Waterhouse ftnd e€a the artack BtAMin\ ttiey have eent, more Iri o»ir lt not fr>r j<?an«tfcat as theM gtkt!ojEnen,' decreph peo WMM sorry tb«t thore * sueh" n 1 f narjt>w-n^p.^|^^2^^^ ellmale be k&, «iia«4 , t „ |f ■' «4HM '•'iV -l' YT* »«*»; **»} "''''. f°r *j*" Dtn B>eo< aloag ehaiaeUK* klioal*!' %e w» »"*«»( tlve t?ure»tt io M>a?i3t, c*f ***>*(„
yfrc> K puWia&eU io \**i i-sae ChiUißgw»;rih >f $9Hfep.*** ĪD&naec| anfoon(ie>.l - }f Jj|||er origla»te<l ui <tbo fact of *P •*** »ao«xatloo rolls i* IPP' leil! ' ®®®* him. It *ppea.rWa!i ®Clfiag oader ortlerI Hitcbctx'k. I eL&ai ol COQ}aiCCt &v oarrequfst tu I*l »v-Wrig' - 1 Hbwar<i (<> wrīte i nawtl- | Ipimoa. Beverai frlends have LSmI to iatnNlttce trs.g>c, eomk: ar:d «wn», We have receivc<l yH|(ffQ«a tfte 6tHer clting Pniiie tncKients vrithin th* wri■fi|lt(H>«Hedge. Wi>re tbe roaterSas B[ at hai>«i worfefd intu proper ibe <ieepest irag«Hlio- e! W far c*ce!ted. JWwaitfy #e furnf?h cHMMKfbr balf a dozen bqv<?!-? siiitBya.jUie taste nf the most exacting pin PMtdera. MsĒ°oa & J!»uty Sheriff 9M«( Kaoai, ueKlp. "1 is an annexaaeei throngh.