The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 April 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Ph&iu; «r<> «U mrtf. at fool« tho wortd. Tt\e sober foo! wha never <Sr|nfci<, aiwl lhe druok«»a foot who U lmbU)ing. W.lck«<l fool«? ivh'> . ,ofī iit «ī) that-U \vtjo <Tatn holler tbao Tbe rai»ferly foo! who hoardi op grtd ( for bU helra to and the *p«?ndtJirJlt fool who m.*vw iooMoui fora rainy day. Ttif tvi"w» foof who npvff *t\y* h stupi<! thing, #nd thp stupl<? fool who nover sayi a wlso thing. Thow is tho ] sHeitt fool who nov«.»t" l»l,s' moutb» Atiti th** tffthbli{)g f k»1 wtio ! «ever opoin his m<?uth \vithoutjHitUng hl« fo<>t Jn it —«II sotUof ,foois uf hlgh nini low r<j)ilicat fouN Who naalt( k foots< of themsclve*< when thcy thiuk thVy ;iro m:tklng f«»ol* <»f tho Hih fool- t |x»or f(K)l<, rcttt»«d f votgrtr f(M>t<, «II <logree< aml klmin of fools hohl c(*rnivat iii tkv monlh <>f Aprit. If it svere uut for tht* f(K>trfj what wouM tho Wortit b«? A tU«ort> H blitnK, :i vol<l. So to thc tQal> we Hlmo*t cvorytlii(ig. Pmnkt(u w«n+> c'utte<t u whti) Jio tiss»v *»>!». ti> ur»w Ji4fh »nS/)g from iht* >.k>o", ĪX<Am*rt Kulioi» W«s a foot when ho flryl «1 U»u)|>U k d to, "go ahoad*' agrtinst; wit<U und tkle. tlarvey \v.i-> -i fool whon he provcvl thut thv trt(Jo«l elr.' »'UtHte<l, all tho ua* K r\ roHo, in uru»s «nd c«tteit h'm .*o. Puun wfe,H h fool, nn<! worstl who'o lio ftrat #Uck tyj*?. OatiltiH> \vs»« f(K>l, who» h« īnvf»nlt"tS thv Mor«o wh-' n fo*»1 wht*rt H< k rt-»««urc'l Uio worM (Hni he euukl huM v'o\umuok»tlon AU tho great ,cver cowtribttte»l te, the o( tbe eurtb bi»vt* b*>en f<*oi« «l ?( muo timr or nthw, a»4 «mw tu vei gre««tur fo<4a in tbe of il p|r vot&£Mpor•riv» thftt\ when JJm v wcrv uuMt »i-»C TJt<- f(jt)|- 41"« t • iw|t uf UiO iariU, .tini wh«i «i x.-t i )( foul« «>buuUt Uo wi: » | ui«t) tttikc, Nn we'll ib%fee willi n|t iie; ce|>Utvg Uk'e fwt* tbc f»»i wha reaUs (bu llul wiii» «»4 Ulw fool who 4own't «ah*.* /or 4 UHKiiM, they are «aa pkai pnyliig for. 11 ■ Wo»A««ny 1 U m»k ■[ tm i« ( Hi* m4 tbe «cM>et«f (w UUwnikiw th« tr«tb «I lbu'. pv&pml , tli% , W 'iht ,mw. ' ihv hMm tmim. ffe# -|S*»»Hpjb bv* v«ty t«l«t '«$$ §«ty«rf«4 |W» <n tke I, - i - Hi

tnr*rlu£ ©f ann<>xatlor. goea have be«d U«lHng hlm tbat wi!l ,I*' d<epriv«d <sf aīl rigbl«, an<i iU-tr<?aUHl Aon< a. ver having attemp?e«J to th i« .aHumniaīion. I the *« th« * a ®§gi* bl ih but iWju<f||e amCTg tm' | oalKe 1 * tow# anoexatiefi. Wo«id il «w*» bcWfic!a! ko oxp!ain to th«> natīfv€-» that there Iwill b*; no *urh ioja«(tfc€ as a "noWe vote" if we beanoexe<l? Thst ther« WiU be no *uch ahoWion as contrai:t Übnr t(A«mteā? If the Hawaliao* arp goftif to blindly foliow everj pollliea! huneome wfthoat rc£ard to present good or the fatare goo<i of the»r chiidreD f then evcn they aß>rehend the danger of adroitting ihem to the fuii privilege of Amer-io-an e?t!«en?h!p." Thk Lihf,hai, is inclined,to f;*vor the admitting of Hawalian? to an equal olective franehise whh n?h'*r white<, and we that mII annexationbH, exceptinc the 'fabid nn-tiv ? e <who fo?m sn inflinlesiiufti p«.rtion of our Momtnunity) wlU'sop|>ort us in this view. There imt oni' course for the Hawaiian though, ¥f tie wishe«'to exhibit his titne&t for Anaerican citizenship, antl tiiat is to show himself able to protect his own interefjts. L"et him drop cntirely heatheni3h superst!tion. Let liliu cal«ily consider whether Hawaii wiil gain a gfeater advantage hv lH'coming ;i British or Japaaeiie depeudency than It wi!i by that ftidependence whieh admission iti(o lloele Sam's fo|d assures. Le.t hiiu <leeide whet!ier her ex Majesty gave a thought to lier now dea:riy helovcd people, or not, when th«fr »erviccs were not require<! by ; ber. Lot him reviow the pa«t poii-! Ueai utterances and actions of hh pre-out leader<, and < ompare thcm with their and actions to-day. We wouM proj)o?e a jolnt debate between the orators of the Ano6xatioo Le«g:ue, anā th©se of the Aat{-atmexat!on Leagues. The o»Uoos to be interpreted lnto Hawaiian verbatSm. Professor Oisen hn a good ehampior, for the' nmiekaMon ea««e, rtnd say Creightoo, Petor»on or !los;», Cam-1 inina, Bush, or Nawahi on the anti. annexa(!oit side. Deb*te to fcake plaee at Kmhia H<|aorCj that al! tbe native« may hear. Wt: ure pleated to see that fhe Uouneii in at lust awake U> the tiecefe* sity pf reduclng LiUuokalani»' salary. we falLto see tho practicfthillty in_payh»g her -Hny <*trtary, at all. Ts not Davtd Kunuiakea'.s j eliiiui uaore valid ihmi Liliuok;ilanis' ge«tlemon, if you are in a seniimental inood? WhiJe you are f ilvprni with Her Ex-Majesty hid you not bettēr lnve*flg*te in the Viclnity of the frolomua offlee. Supp<vse you uiako it rtgi<l <*t\quiry re'fjr»rdi?>|r the .souri'e of ihein runni»g , f*X(H>nw. They hnve no *übser)p-! tt<m t(«t i?iat atnou«t« t<« t»nd h«wf.y any ;ulvert!semcnt?, ftwpe|īoyt Bheldon not a eapft»lt«rt, neioier is .Tm» l, FfaMelujah."' We twlieve, a|thouf;h wo havo no pf¥»ltlve evidence, that $pu will there flnd tr?ice* of gmtt*ude in retofn for yotjr nion't.iily 1 kindn#w> #H<K)f.OO. !