The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 April 1893 — HOTES- [ARTICLE]
| The roawk!*h wUkh ( «pran£ to b<j I|istaD% ex- : ting»ils,hedj la the Oiunell U-t Sdt- \ urdav, \n reference to Ihe rt>sa<.»vftl j ef Hill m Po3txQB<ter, wa- neart> j uauseatlDg, Fc»r the past yesr Mr | Hll» Ivrs tx?eu i«oto ot tc->s Uicftpabt<: \of assaming foll cbaffge Po*tiaft-*-tet. it ssi »e>> }a-tJe© io h'im* or Tr<\> farnily, mms ldīot eounellman shoufd presivme to say tJon that Mr. hwlth wouM en<l»ngered t»y hl-*heaflng ttif» now« of hh rēmoval, TV"ooW th!« eoiHK'U' man hftvo fhe ofßce of the Po»t-master-Of;nerat exJs»t as ehrtritftMt Wr. HIU hew* an ♦»«- vlah!c chatnctor h\ tht> clty, H«* N»ar«t a reputat!on for hnnor 'aiul jastice, second to none, 3fr. f!ttt ,/wou!d not t« ptoa>ed in hla sounrf mlnd tofcnow tbat oertAln imheeī?!? friends had urg( d retentlon In offlce when ho' was*lo<!«prtW«» of f!tting st, * We hear that $Kerifl CbiHiagworth, of Maui, hikl I>epaty &h«rtof Deveriil, oC Hwnalel, Kauai, are vory bu»y Ui«Muadtng natlves from sigoing tho annexatWu rolSs, DeveriJi »nd ChiHingworth are saivt to he r»njc royaiists, and while they thou)a«|v«<* h>ive sigue<l the r#Us, they are, it saW, influeneing the natives to coiitrary. Just how all the« i rjimorw about ' ti»« gu' iibuut ;; . There v erUiii!y Tnust have been wase fouodaili>n. Bat in v!?w of ihe fad that the ,īspane«* haye esijerged but a £ew years from into a \vondrou- otvtllsation, even if all the rumors !>«. truf we jshootd take them crM oßAlfrn sar,tK Let u? imītate the poUie Uttto ,Tup< and eGdeavor to show the -ame rourtesy them that they have totfftrr!q u«, There b«s bēen considerabte ewuest dlscuwlon over the possib!e eiitiDf of the most obnoxious white anti>amxexationists* Tney have beea i»t ofi!y thelr own enemies but of those of the natives, ptanU rs, meiehaats and all othera who are intcrested ia good government, Tbe name* of those s€tectedjwilt prot> aWy he headed hv< A, P. Peterson. The othen» mentioneci are Norr!e, Kenyon, Lopan and English. Mr, I Eoglish oocapied the pō3tof amanuj frn«ifi for the !ate Queen, and is Ih* «ecredited «uthor of many of tpe vio)ent atUtcks on the Aiaer!can Mini»ter and Anserican iastitution* ia ihe oolnmns of the Bidtetin and MaUmm. Hia aecredite<l nalary «hiie royaity heid sw»v was ?" p«r month, b®t since tbe dethronement t the pay has pr«»b--abs 3topped.