The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 ʻApelila 1893 — Japanese Political Leagne. A STRONG JAPANESE POLITICAL ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED. [ARTICLE]
Japanese Political Leagne.
fhe appervnt symp«thy of tbe j Japanese Consol» and ihe Bstertlon ! uiade >o often by the ruyal tbat tile jr*p«sie9« sv«t« s>sgMur{%g lor their a»j>«*ance an»i wo\isd fv>r Didh them with «r/n> and «mmuni tion hlive given birth to <xm-<idera-bLe apprehenston. » Learning that T. O. Sugawara, Editor of a J apauese newspai>er publiBhed in San Franc?sco, was hero as a representative of the Patri.otic ti£ague of C:ilifomia, the E*litor of Thi, Li»fkal eaiial upon īheai» and obtauie<l an interview regardiu£ the objeet of his vi>it to Hawaii. In reply to numerou«f Mr. Sugawara «aid; ; «I h»ve eome here as the representali've of the Japan£sf> PoliUeal League of C'alifornia. My object in cuming is to a.s far as iu my power Ihe poliiieal and fmaucial interestj? of ii|y people. My principāt work *iuee I have arrived here has been the organiKing ol a Japanese Poliliepl Lieague. The President of the association is Dr. Ucbida t the Seereta/> Aii. i uridiy«. Auaoug the m<**t pfdtxuuettt uieiXiber» are Ogma, Nauyusuri, Oaaki, and Pa<s- - Oku. Tiio membersihtp ī« H*> nolulu i- :i6O. Thstre t H u bnu>ch I® piaee 1 i«tv« ju*t returaeu. 1 he' Preiideni oi' Uie Hilo braneh w Mi\ Y*{wmoto f U»e Mr. Obufci- the uaoal ptx»tuiueul Hilo iuem'wii» ar« Dr. Okabi, a ChrUiiAU pasUw a&U Dr, Goma, a butidhi«t priest, and B, On»me. Hilo membersblp h about 150. Thelr re«son for orgauizlng to pr»test agalnst the depr!vation f that eqnal politieal franchlse [>o seased by them untit 1887. The Hawailan governnaent by deprlving them of the voting privilege broko the Treftty made w!th the Japanese governmenf. " The|re are tweiity thousantl Japane«o in tbese Islands: r|early one quar|er ot the ent!re population, anel tney are, vnd\?ed, qulte a forniidable et®ment. The Japane«e intend to reciain neulwl during the present troubl«, althongh thsir -«ymp«thy js ettflrely with the nativ«M. The .īapanW gnvernment on friendlv rt!a?4n« w!th the United States. \ I believe t ftora n finanei«l orbUtsi\ness it«ndpolnt, that annext*Uon woiild tw» of great beneflt to ljhe coantry, but ī feel that the natU'«* h»vo beer. unjus!<y treated, X belteve th«t the aaajortty of the popu* !atioti »hould rofeT'' The Jlpa&e*e PolUleal ī>ague have «tent a petition to the Hom# gnvernmsiū request}»g that tbe Hanr«n{ftt gov(*rnm?nf he tn restore to ihem, the!r'fortuer !}ffcal rigiJK This pet!tlo» abouf signatore.=, T eannot sav what the eourse of the Htv»e go>ern rnertt wfl! t>e regard!og the ingt»f these Ws«d9 by t!ie TJn!Jed 9tate& l believe T aitbough l may fve mistak«n, that the Jmpa»e» gpyernment will retoafn and nbt !nterf#rf» while negotiation wltb the Fnited Btate« are pendlag. Tf nece.**ary m<Jre Jaj«sete war*hips oan be dettHed here f a« the J.sfraneve Xavy cosigrtiM 80of 80 ve?&els. ī thiok that tbe N*a?va is !argely mpsied with arffls, T do not think that the Provisio®,i is itrooBT to Hwlf. Notwsity ahwld be rdth ?t bv nny power nnt!l !t r rove« it staWlitv. Ttm*> ar* on!y "t%wn fww īo the drtft of Hawaiian Tbef? r.\mt t .- t h*r bf & hattle In whiehone j»rty be *^ttsbed t or s i bv W ali «hall