The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 April 1893 — [Illegible] Royal Salaries once More. [ARTICLE]
[Illegible] Royal Salaries once More.
fp very flttasv pretense tmder «Alrg. I)omīais and Mlss Kaiuthe ren!pIont«! of their foft royal salaries, naraeīy: that U Jls done at the wlsh and destrp 8. government, cannot b)p «b»ped } as this woulei bo stricttvaaft®olutety a£ftin*t all Amenea i $ii40gdes tttid preoedent=. Ths 4jtk»as are not* adherents t > auel are uo! apt to feed f sufpoft ra.ur<t.;ip 'iny ,r Vf>' <Sffl|tselei*s person in lnxury anp at the the produ< - or taxps#er5, Americar - fcings and queen«= £s on a tiaft«arrounded by vermin"-and e«ā|.Qas8 oT people !.«? repul?!ve 10 self-rcspeet!ng Amupi tbere i* vio ru!e , so if raay be here jn " fhen 4 flUvav9 h«ve *ttljpliidivL<iuftls 1 eringing «ijd this du«ky <?hf»m-royal|y )udividtur.te afe or uf J >ot w>yftjy vf Amer!cin, even jif fi;om !iu?y Bct<in The eontinuance bf to deposW "PBtf aS>tntel>* wronu' and uhauU. 11 1 -ftr»M in fhe »uurt* r, f i'ommon cootiouo the raonth?y 'PWp nt a4lrtrS«><» tO df?Chmi < g|d ha^ been dK oi a contmuanbe «* y ai?y f anii ehiim for any tmm thi> govetfnmt ioote than af»y ° t^l > ŪH ;*!***= the pwiaain*»Y tbe nm ©I Jacuary, rw.d« Al* v Sawa *' 8An Moaar h " MWaa, m a aW piBeet » W; hmaik QK Jjtepeud< - »r r4"^ CYT12XS.