The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 April 1893 — CLIPPINGS. [ARTICLE]
I " : "" ■" ' f HONOLULt , M-n-h LiliookHiaūi uiakes an euiphatl denial th»t ,-he %vnlte, or i* respons?.' ble fqr th« -tatein!ei)! timt iiOrportj i to coavei her vieW> i" the ean j>re&*. An artjtd* ( >o her behaj| was writtfn by F. >1: KngUsh, <>m Of the BritMh sobjeets, w!v) «r| jmaking such s»o active canvi& aguinst :uwxaticm, and ™he asktni to pay iuni $100 to get it irtt 9 . priut. The ex-.sovereigu An «ffurt wa* then nia'ie to fnrfuaj her to stgn it, whereupon it be sotd for a mu.-h i«rger sUtn to i syndicjite of Amēricaii Liliuokalani would not eoosidff «ueh ai'popo'iaī, upun whieh Englistw heipwi hv Bam'l Parber, maO;igel t<i have a liiu> officia} air importeS tu th-e «tatement bv securlog.for-.fl the*Mign manual of Major RobertBoc| the Queen , s Chatnbcrl,ain, Iu shapc it war?- i? a '*ut iraite. —- F. ChronH i h\ A JTawaiian « ; ommirsionkuJ It U anuoumed that e\"-Reprwntlf tive Islouut ui Georgl4 has he® au»L inonetl U) Wasfiiugton Vs*l*re|ī •deiit Clevelund 4 ;ind that. he WīH |ff jj3ii<Je au exxvutive eoinm!s<!atierW Visit the Hawaiian I<!arid&, ai aiake u tepuvt to the Pres!dent Cf rning the qaesiiati oī 3»nex-jl!:?<raf If there tn«*t be a cammissi<)ītit ssut tu Hawaii under Deu»oerjß auspk'es—for whseh, by the| j»efes>ity i* !>y n.K\tn'we kiiow of n , ' Pre<sideut Cievciand eouJd ioade thao 'tiiat of .Tame* ll.'pKa of Georgiu. Mr. Bloutit e!|Rnuiii of the Cumrrdttee|l!i Foreigo rGl&tion-! o* jthe re< eot greas, aod <*traed for h1m»elo» uational repotatlon for faJrnesfjV well nt> statestaanrfhlp by dei?faj|£ āo t.'ougress that the negotiat|M aud coiKlUct of ftarri>on istration tho ChflftMTf"' affalr rlght atid ju-«t/and ttiat go An®ean Prerfdent <N>uld have takerijß' other than that assume<f~y Presideot Harri>on. There oo que f 4ioti a>» to the .sterling <Mity of Mr. 'ilwunl'» Ai»n-rieaoMr aud tli it i< ju»t wh tt N WaiUcd JSi commbsiou of tl»c Uind \VeSuL Mr. D,tvje- t thu £uur®u »>f K.;uu!.i»d tbaf if a ;s)bbif#cite were iluwnil lea ihoaanuel <ml ot vote> w*»u!d he uonexati«>n, but h« ah*taln£ fls| expluining lhat •< lar;ge rji«jorrasf thls po>stble fourtcea vutt's woul'l bt.' ot potJSjEst kwnuka-, who are ;«■> i for«uUt|; arul , *j> r es>jo£ an'lOŪEIgeot polllieal opinWi a> i Piiilu. todlan> !u lfie W^rra"l&āK I or t!ie I r> n i|narter- f>f' ! w«sfV \Ke Aaly «ngl JgE | eoa»UAi*e>lou, we uw£ ttwcerUin tlu? ii)trUigvllt opi n uu the m*dc ?aQa|> i Piwkiopal Govt?rflpen^ Vuu *wggi Foo a»are |U«u is |%tter him*vll tfa#| hp y U42 j wlu»t,.i&e u*,* fc t M|>or 1 lof iu|M|u|j|e'«tat -~4^ I 13kra*tU-iu , ( ' .&$ | ' — 1 Tr> «rt «t i *, «Mmanen |Ml4t*<4 t .•«*•> 1»*«• $tm «>»l I fnm*seu. tnkf^UltS_ I ttmi4*k iHai» ' *"t 4 th* «? «W - -I'i