The Liberal, Volume I, Number 58, 5 April 1893 — TRYING TO BE A MAN. [ARTICLE]

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W* evenlti£, a' ftf »b6ul lnvKto **v«ral mm tnto » bar-room t« t«tt* * W*jf wont. H»l9 pno* f*tlow T&k£lite<} tK*l he' ūp<m th» Mi»WWsHT m «tf»TnriK»nt uf ii hrtWf 'Th*s' 'Wiii m<> th* t*r" •*4 «4 »in<i iM cfMj»iied {hi th> 4fiiitfWor, !fc" H« Hfl*rt hM «tr!y*jii trt wto *«rt»l<f %ller ffn* bli>w %«ITigt»fiy ane! k»>tghltng Worti.~Tfe* f»r Wfth a «To|r»tfo atr, \v|»Kh nfcow<Hl tt<? Wj«»j jpmorfou>dy git« Ntr.trod<>r t«fhW! )ftttgbe<!, H«<f tho youtijfjlc r * WtUv vf ltN -i»«»i«'nt Orv |'i\»uf. ia-> IL*MJ4u«k'r)Y' H<u*«4itr«i u« kiU «it , ••> Ui»c Uie iuur <jff u 4pilup»i: (Jr<KOk & _Uw aail U»,At«*Uiīg l «īUHmI l» F ■'

\ <)e«th r fortoi»*t»4y m unf<w*utiikki;>. i ne.yy\*eT'm breath ! ms(Kter be reoearited veiy maoaha. i iy thitt II was «*good *tafiU ,!r ] i After tbe y<mog>ter had ; izi»#!y remsrked to th** 4 keepiT tbat be wooW ( aad g«t * bottte ot ibat "3ttt|j®»as « , .4*11*1» »«*,*> «owd j&k* !o« \ cwngster tellel«g to tl» arm of tb# fMk>f : who s f K>rted the bigge*t Mt of i on hh face. | 1 | Our miotiN eye,ha»tily »» ov« f the p*ges of the vo»o ™** FaterttJ . anct there we <*w io*T»bed «N j yo«rigster's life hi*tory. j The v<j4ume piain all caj | rea<l it. 1 "'■'§fci"'" r '