The Liberal, Volume I, Number 57, 1 April 1893 — The Hawaiian Problem. [ARTICLE]

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The Hawaiian Problem.

f 'A* Ka?twn co«femp:'rar»- w«H' The Hawanan P- ** WP& ?hat wHI be *o!vc-1 ! '\ ī' v ii <jOK*kty. Kv* \ '«!<» i *oexati'>n ,innt»xauc<ii m«re ]t»rh-»pej not less' The annex'Atiou : ffrobieni i< hnnliy a prt>Wem al a!J, is bui K>n« «ituatlon whieh kold« »ut ii proi»l?e of |>eac« and •rtety to the isla»dā and TC'raoves a! Wla«iger to the peaee- 6f UnlteJ ®Ute9. A twt|ve rrt>vernment is »ot C9HsJdere<l a possibillty; a £oropean prot©etorate I- not to !>e, '»f, Whai reroaki? t.ut * annex«t(on to th« Uoife<i Sfates. Mr. deveiand is sald to be worried lest AmeHean gog»r-plantpr- at the Mands roay profit ln >ome way t>y aß»exaticn. It is quite likely they will. It is expeeted that ai! kinds of basioes& at the island- will h? benefited by ttnnexation. Kven if Aioerican proteetorate should Wover tbe idand» uo security could 'e gi\en ;ignin-t cbange i» our Unlī 1 tuat \vouljl fpneatly injure general \ A dingie year of free cou»petition with other sagar-producing countm h greAtly impaired the valut of plantations In Hawaii. It is posāible and even that when Cleveland has lhodght the thlftg over a few will arrive where Hartlgoa arrTSi?d week« ago. He wiU be force(i to the 9aroe policy by the faet th*t there is no other worthy of eonsideraUon. īn that ease we will have a few verhal to the Harrison treaty and the names of Grover €leveland and Walter Qresbam will appear where; the name» of Benjamin Harrison i s|nd John W. Foster appeared in the ftrst'treaty. But Cleveland wlll re«ia!n under the lmpreesion that t-he few verbal amenduhenf?> «nved the oountrv,—S. F, Cait,. j