The Liberal, Volume I, Number 57, 1 April 1893 — A NEW ENTERPRINI. WHY NOT DISTILL OUR [Illegible] LIQUOR? [ARTICLE]

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The bext scheme tiiat ha? ' fioatetl during Ihe past two YeaiVfs \ that ot a d23ti)lery. *| J The late Legislature enaete4i!a' !aw allowing the distillatioa apirits, andt placed the annu»l liemie at $250. There ls little or no i In the ba3ioess, and it promt3ef a l«rge retarn for a very smalī ment, f • In the West Indies ? South ASelfc», and other sugar growing co|ntries, ail tbe plantations have 4l!Is attached, and «U waste nttl!sed fn manufactur!ng rum. W it will be in these Islands if alisHHery fs built. There is a $feKf openfng for such an enterprl#oii Oatrti, and it !s thought tfy£fbe besjl water fs obta.!nab?e at matta!o: _ /I.—The to forr§Ta Ssindle«te erv nn siei

"3E^fo.M * raK «0,690— In 20 cr AIL Jnl «w,. 'V#i

H.—Tfae xKst ou(y SpiJrits from 49 fo 50 «lso Bplrits īrom P}a&sS&pūttanas, ?f-800t 7 wf!t be or«d!tab!e nol offŌri&e coosiiSEnptlon but a!so llL^—Ttoo the cootrol ofa Fres!<leo®y, TreasQrer, «n<{ a Oihh of Plve Shareholders wb§jF be 6lected by bal!ot, and be appointed for one yeai]F of IV.—The halanee of IjiLml after payment for jjPmt. shall go towardß <hSE all eurrent expenses. V.—All monfes to Sfeitcd with Mesers. Bishop <£ lj|aers, Honolulo, Oalia, amt be considered of aqy flEless endor»ed by tbe Pr®Hpcretary and Tneasurer. ijf » VL—lmmeāl*My «|£ial numt)er of Bhares hav^jß^A D> aG«neral Meeting w!(Yspf or fch% «teetlon of offieer^fc,er Vll—ltemi«ed c<xqaiL &m f«r tbe RulUl^Bvih vr wltih the »tU "^««AeĒpmih«i imau&mmm oflp wWJ «alKwl—when dne sK|7i« nnwl U «*tfh *hft*&flb ol hWi-, av! thf Tf irntaTn- Ī. i' <3