The Liberal, Volume I, Number 57, 1 ʻApelila 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Wk are rec»lvii)g oiueh a<lvlce ,is fo how'a JournaJ "hould fiditcd, We plead gallty to the chargea of youth f an»l inexi>»>rJenee, and rea<!ily llsten to suffgestlons.' Still whem wo aeeeploel charge of tho Knglish eoiumn* of Tirr. Līhkum- we felt fully * a on\pe(onl to fhe<lutff^ r©sultant to such acrojjtonce. TTotll foct" lueapahle of editing thi.s («per, or untii otir weekly saiary sh«l! bocom<? too c!asfvo ; wo Bhall i-emain editor »f T;īk Libeuaj , d«hi. ; V, i > " • i

=■: B'.. ' Throuou lark (£ we w&<? aiiahle cumtDent in our la-4 issue utwu CAi»i>)>eHV letter. Hr. Catap- ) iKiU'l* 9biCC(fotl <0 U!W Clf ttu' sM<« of hi» for «f Aji>ericfl» i>hn s» ro«fspicttOU«r i)xnmple o? tho līawnlinn «aniHK, «out." ,Kigotry eoulel not carry a raan ipiu-h furthor. FTaw it n»ust lx l V> the ohl jr«ntleaaan% foollngs to seo thli» , forty«flve atftrred Amerlo«n flng romaln rlght whoio lf i> untll the roonth f»r whleh ?ho Anijioxallon Leagtio havo ongagod |the rooui ; «hall havo explrod. I>R. TEOUBSEAi' in replying to tho now faraou* "llltchfleld" letter isgld thftt he was hero a gue?t of tlne HawaHan peoplo. <loctor lBatniegodtlemenof thcold Frcitch s*chyol, ftnd whfll ho *«M 'eaoūo dlr«ct from his ho«rt. Tf thU scntii»ont was orlgiOMl wl(h thc dactor it woulU W Uken us u galUut trlbu(e to tho n«tlvo peoplo of (hls fountry. It ha* be«n use<l beruro, aod I* ÜBUght but a perniclous «t--te«ipt to plaee th<« «« mallhlnl M !n « laleo posltlon. Accpr(!lng to mo»t advancenl thought a eountry Txetong# fco thoBo who fcnow best how to rule it for ilio greatest good of tho gro»teat nant>or, to who hav o tho hlghoNt -»t*i4' of o{ vUĪ?«tioo. hfthlt of ooualdcrttig e wry tt»o 'ft*o bas not r<Ht<fed Sn lht ttiit tbemeaaofy «t »itonaaiwth ooi i<> the 1 ft ltf*Bp«r !s tn gn&t h th« Men of tho {nMttor. t« Ame l<p tho new eomer U m wele«M fe? <>lE«naasfnā t tf nbd a brtef |esldenee coofers u|«on hlpj tho p l(y!!e|es of cltl7-en«*htp. Tt }< ibe v 1 w e«seoce of for &&y0! wtohoMthflt t<>nojtftH». «hlp <n« ihoutfl \+ * nat»ve. 1u tho tm«d ; I|£hi ef the nloet( eoth oe*ntuty t)l ph&eweiiii, a natlve son of %M , Woek <4 froe ropuhHo, 1« woefi ijr mlgLkfig. : €a I m» fhuFT a §f Oi te r#portod to h»vc «f?xeia ov6. al weelu! »go, wmi§ks 4^'mw ,l«t |»4, «3 P*ttl S«aneimtt gtu itfawj #i aoa lbt»īī 'wm Ip&w hm tt® <lpor «Sgb*y 4ffiv,d

tfaat d i3 iAā A<im!ra! Tfcfe jig'? up naw, «u r*», Wltti ooly Bk3Cnt on hoaHL** " * . v -.r ... ilman Morgan N one who vofced agaln«t r»,p!ae!olr rova!M gover«tfient derfc?. wben lfeey res9fgned or *!Ted by persons koown to be In sytnp«t7iy w!th th« ProvMl>oal Goveronoc!nt. We woa<ier lf it is traW tfaat this mme Ocwiicflm*noflrere<lChar{fpMrOarthy »j£dO goveroiuent billet. Oh&Hie, it wlli be remembered was readv for the d—d m!«wlonaries wben thoy fco* Uu) Ooveroment Baildin gj hat iomehow faile<3 to materlalize. Oouneilman Morgan need- a fet» leason.« in practic«l poSlttc3. Qsi. of the mt»t <lespised of ail āumerican PresidentB was Hayes. A« gooū a* iie went into offic« aftei the well remembered struggle witli niden # he forgot the friends whe placed hiin there, Tgnorlng tho« who had worked mght and day tr tn»jbehalf, he formed ft eahineii eom pose«l of a number of half-hearted Enen. Thc »taiwait« who had al towed nothing to deter thera froa the unknown 7īayes, wer< itraight-way (orgotten. Througf deep ingratitude to his friends ifter Hayes» presidential terra had axplred he Was relegated to deservec >Wiv(oti. Shaß we have a sitnit«i sase Hawaii? Shaii it be ssjd tha >ar President of whom \ve are j«st (y proud» and who possesses such i Tair name for probity will faU short »f expeetations, Nof a thousand tiiueß no! We feel Bore that Presi4eot Dole will soon eome to a bettei lenae of his duty, and the < ! overl icV whieh he eonsiders must fae :omtaitted before he ean repiac€ royalisti> \vith democrats will not be Inaiāleil upon. WiiAT <Joestl4eExeutive Cottacjl aieuu Iby "ovort actf" Was U tho ♦ovort ael" whleh was coium!tted *y (Jhaiubcrlaiu Koberk>oa wheu he vaat out in the steam launeh with Jie Ex-tiueeu's invltation U>Cpmaiissiouer Blount? WaB Consul Pxatt f s desire to ge', of the Kumehamohu the

that M!nl3ter "\fott Smlth gave th< Tharston Corsmijwton tbe «M>yer artr' T *uj>po*e the govon)fwen wūl apen tho!r eyex In ealle ast<\cUsWveci{ wtwa th<<s (tivd (hn.i tho "fother is sr> fuss accord wlth tbe (lrtughter i)resnmp< tlve's mteslon «t W«yhlngton, und conotu<te t!sat ht* hns commttted thc ts overt act.' M Wf: ttmt Mr. Bronson IFowar<i wi'U tuke haek to tbe state« tho m»tertal for an īlawaiiiiu (Jrauia -~thorearomoro than su(dcteQt hink, sagyostlons f . autl quoer happenlnu in Hawaiian dom«?stic life to form plots antl leiea;? for half-a-ao*/eu omot!onat <Tmn)as.' fmaglne the thrHtin»' emoMon* that eoutfjt b€ evofced when the fond brid«groom flnds hts hfa.->hfn£ brtde wlth trlpleH vorj* <»hortty after marrtage. Aml what u xonsntlonat Mlmax wheū thc f,ifticr gf\r.os ujton tho f;*eo of a de:ir "punalun" roi>oated. in llie ftir* of the d«rting cherub of whfch ho ts the presume<! parent. WnATF?VEftComraf»sti»norntount> Inßtrnctton» may bo, ho im\y rest avare<! that *nnoxtttfonMs ftro'uot one whtt of potf*«ig the qnentlon to a j»<vpul*r vot*i Tho Annexntlon hw alvea4y a mom»>orshlp of ?oflo. Thf« nieaOn a Mnjnrlty <»f tho regt«tori?<! voters ei Oahu, «n>t m«n «rē «tttt <itgatng tko rot!. The friton<ts nf th<& c*U9e of Ann«**tion >iav» w»rlc4kt' «bove MftM, «»4 th#tf dotnjfH wttt tx«r tn«pecffmu lr ts Wgh time thal the "Ilokmus v bt «ipi*****!. W» bet{©ve io independent juuniNlt»flfc if Uie ♦'nolomaa"' muki iliieuil,)" d|iK'U>? *!te s!tuat!ōa w© shouM -u*tttta iheui, Whoo, 'how«vvr, lt m&ke -i vtctou> pei-aooo! tttack upon Hl- i:t.:ene iQ- Juo. L SU. s ven> tt : .ii la'iull uj>ou Aujuric«a restdieut. ili niater StevsiH ewamaiiāl ,tlic mfL vf iH* vat,;rc Amert' au elem.M.i cf thc;y lakada 4 if Johu I, Stw. ,» wvr». tv s vuiauU* r»i* re-rgn Ll- t v:, ; «r f« rcvalicd !t v>uuH N» ih v wi jhta lm sr» hiieui' hvte —thu Axucr»>:•»« . W*- -%► uj% bctba» Vuo?ot • V? VkK&mnl B^rf

ew?M he r*&»ceA by M!nlsfer partjco^K haw alwBys heen j*rat mendabte. Tfws «atbor of tacl:« c3Btw* ftt «x*eOy > Whenever haaliHl op f*> T iitviMj(H tirm, Joo. Sheldea, scape goal, i|M n«wp the paper hean, &<*& & he f» nol r»spoßsibie as h« finds W Eng!l>h c-»pv rtti hl« t)i«|S eopy no sfgnatarre; *n«l doe§ not Imow »fitrHHite P' Whst h frw an<! e»sy m«thod ( ed!ting! Kr. s?hel(!otjN <*» !s i*r !n the hands of tbe Advisory C<mS ef!. That body "houM tr«#l hh» li|' practfcal !!!osttation of the of the f?editioii Act. TbtflßSriJp have been n«l»g Bheldo»i ts a s *S|| are known lo a moral 1f flot a actda! eertatntv, andi were theffa aoy country hot Hawail, īt wo|j not be many hoars erethey shou!<s«. eeive a eoating- of tar and and we ndden arouod town ei a fenee ralf. ■■ _____ V