The Liberal, Volume I, Number 57, 1 ʻApelila 1893 — NOTES. [ARTICLE]
iutG. a.i , Tb« now tbemsetvea by a cot<aste,«f royaiirt m their vour>e ou the tenure :ot *iht» IJui.letin 4 j Hoiomua ana m I<e# are eoiaiog u> Lh* fr©nt r Bt«KJg for them loj I reg«fd U> the reteoti©u of liie p_rei sent governoient ofßeM«, while [ the Advertls©r, Star, Libkrai, jand EttOko# are iu favor ot re- [ placing thetc, by trled and t*ae Jfriends of the pre*eot regitue. lhls is a pecuiiar and hanlly an j «nviab!e p<*ition tot the HlniAter*. Weask ;hecQ, i* ** a fasr «i j iioa, wh«ther they ean eonUnue to i eooly di*>regard the r.f the ! newspapers as a?x»vo.
r ■ There is » movement oo fc>*)t to bftve the Nattonai Bind plav daily in the Paia e r?ronndLs.wy cvery •ififrno--n t!1! 'Ax or *verv x > '» ' 'veive Tht' B.ind h»rtJJy '•«" the emithey &>t. If iV»f. n>'T£>-r , A'*b- lo h- v • tUem p!*> ' v.-r> ~« T'«nfr *.vh»-n n>VAUy ikfA-led »- ; w i {li' t ' i' -f * . - ,ih <inic -■«'« 1 f r , 4 .. •*'** Vu,rli >' H?s *' r '
.»«suLert» Thsso would pp>via a k»oa f to the i'Aboriivg īuan hb whō oft*?n leel tc«> iireU oi„ aa ing to gt» to dny ol Uie atglii «wi* eert". There surtlj,- eoukl I>c t u&. objectlou l'i tki«. <foT\c€Tts ar»» uoivcr«al 'm tiiv Maie». When Mr. C. M. <.ooke »-as in San FraiJdāc©, oa hia wsy with despatcbe- to thc ia ha decl&Ki<J to the reporter tbat Ihe people hori} wouM Ih? f&ning to lmve Kāiulani oa the throne. Did }fr. Copfee f')rjr'>-f *h:i( in ,t|ic ' Prov}>:omil c.tTi= ( !oc al>rogvitiV-!i <>r uiouarchy lin Ha\v»Fl? Tta» he chttogvd hh miDdyet? 1« it true that eueU , rttan N sprīous«!y mt*ati!>iit'd as m*' ister to Washington? TeU gr*tijU th_g new-if lt Is truo to littk&nd her guar*liftn P wīe-. Th % e>", wil! be gla<! to hear it. .......... ! ron&£tSeveranct > 'at ,fhe ek'VonM ( .. ! hour la aft» S t gettii\g a move oq. tt most 'lißvel&rt.o amuaing to m* r t»b' jJiS lau4lp|& rkmTW ' ' ee Ctctf lSttswa H^*Ts |f( iĀ*lfie]Tr 1 t6war i anneiaiiōn? i. £ ao nh? <īī thew^/.£au<}".•i„i-,„.«.
ricn ben<-f»t a* īf,Uv'h sst CampU-H? Buf like S, C. AHen ar»rl « goo(l <jtlier «ksraanfnft,«," he is wltling to Mte of. his no.=e to splte his face, to defeat ,TnnexAtlon' ?n o«ler t<> ss£iy he had heen al)!e to do so. • The Hawaiian Civil Ltdgue tht; first eouaplete<l. U now haa thau fifty bona-ruly nioiiisiers aud b uader ilie patronyge i«iid virtual cooti"ul ol lion. \V. Ashford, u Caoadijin. The league has. a eoQāUtutl«m jaUing fui ap unqualitied suffrase for all re-ideiit.s in IĪHWHii. It starUftl with i* of fourteeu of wbvm have ex-Min.isters under th« uld regime. There are ooly three iu the njQvement far, aiul the-e are well known aiem--1 bers of the 4< l>oodlers' " faction» ! wlio were Irttely backing ehe lotlery f and\ v opium -ch'>mt*< of Ihe defuneī l*īnonarchy.
The eiuim ?>y tht? \>f tho niovetDent t<> \hs& thcy woo!d »ecure an hamwn&U» large <Qp[K>rt of nntlve and AmerfcH«< h»s not bom« out bv the facts 30 far, an<t ?he 1 statement «et fnrth in thc< pri-.<f«h!e ! «f the ronst!tut!on thut tht* k«gue ( was in<st o|>poscd to ar.nexatton 1$ r»ot bel!eved; as a !arge uiī»jority of f tts ie«<iers anii t*»clct.*rg ar« rAflk i roy*ltets, ar»d « to tbe ! backbone. j AliMßt opon the heeU of tiifa I OH>veaaent eame tlie »tJOunceinsnt | of » i»W «*HvO Hawaiian orgao!wI tīon calīed tbe «»Hi»w«iian PatrioUe r As yet it is hardfy Urked | iuto «hape, bat it is a!ready known I tbe orgaDlMkUOD wiil be uodter the ! atlviee an<l clire«tioa of a » natned A M3rqu<a. Mr. 5 h ao Ita!!aa, wta« ī-->r severa! year3 l ha* N?en promjn**nt !n !oss! polttīcs ? a* n !eader of r»ative wītb » * «tronf aoti-Anner?r«n h'M, Tti® , re*n\ onjwt « c thf naovei»«ni, or ' rath«*r th».* *t repr<H i wnU-d oative U««aU&(K, t« : {uHv «ot lorth In Ihe toB<ifc'teg vta*em« v nt, whii li WU! <*> i-uMlaliM 1 )n'rc 'm * !t-w \ -ys\ i wtt>i a <*>mc\vt»t cowtltotjon 'tsjin'isl|sg -« r,4in rtght* s*n<l £>rivi!pgA \txs\r&y on the !t«r wf »wedlng «<rgaßUntwtt.