The Liberal, Volume I, Number 57, 1 ʻApelila 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


' $i»fe' •' — ' <• - , , G. POlNTEK.

' r '. Elipia LiBiiRAi,;—In viewing »ottiwaUj', it they £ie niuoh n»ore **W$* t ti Q h had the [ nifrirfgiSyi!<iaiiag< to act iajnj£<Ui 1 fi *lyrS ""fniirf wouid aoi uu»fe I It ih€ thatjjrmgs th€ i . »«• s ?2vts?i ' J,iaj> .'.'i»;p_

v, i«-a ioe*\i- , aSBĒ aecouipo.:hd <49Hped as were in clßfevioas to Jan. lStb, they; dfik littie eredit, espeeiaii>* *Beonsider tiie preparations rrMm royafets agaiost us. | Bth of January laat had to ; eoAi'he cause was the same oid , aggressiotL Such out.*iiX|edaftng i,n politics as wasj eiH by the Queen and her g«Ltbrough the Legislatnre 1 lVVfc au d e insurrections i u h<®kTbe Queen showed her wt when she signed that ip&l. And the scheming work r«sorted to in P ® th at last ministry of 'WKan outrage to the taxThe idea as a <'ornweli lor cabiuet is too mueli heed | F. G. ofl&eiats to the iwiwHhe cut-throat gang thnt ' previoos to January "haole" in the IdSdn f t a»cord with right have we to ' UslH| dictated to by them for 1 on 4uoen aud her | Vf*Ke W , with that q^^^de t 'inown a? the Ilul \ KiWNmln'l c<JoBult nor listen, [ MpvK|tien |he attempted to | wilh that mi*ji»« tIBBL is iiere for reform J '° the iufluence of tht p.trty h

goverhment «athe aii r.n How, wheu an uuke rootn for a G.—ap eome- a - mim who were

-. w uw « - v i to barKirity. ! V«i(» «*t *'

moni ;u r c<* -.R'ier j {ber sbort reiga then ever before. 1 ;TUe la«e King never dareU lo ti«s- [ I «lare paLiir4y he wou!ti retam a | jman In ofiSee ag@inst tbe wiii of the j |eatlre pe«pie. Siie <iid, aad i [aame eaan heipe<l to put her rightj ' wb6Ste ahe is # aud where she bels«gj3. | f I Trlsh to s ay !or iV:e >>t'riefii o? aii * jthe arrivīag here j ' from tho Uuite<l State* thn: tho ' kanaka N Briti?!t. Tliere's nt> use !iying ab<iut it. Evvry aei of his | shows it; especially sinrc Tl>o i\ G. ] iook cbarge. ! Tbere lurk> in hīui a hatred for • everj'fhißg Auierlcan. If the Engs iish "war-ship hael remaiued here, ■ * anei all hanri< giveu in>erty, Engli->}i i |ant! Amen'eau, the natives \vcmidj | havq undoubted!y worked u|> inier- j national trouble as they vigurou.siy , ' tried. 1 Tlie next thing for the commis- ; sk>ner to do is to enquire into just! Who and wh-M. eomposes the aatiAmerican popaiation. Xt's the kiud of peopie that 3chooled' IHUe Mis& f|eghom for het epeeeh to the Atnerlcan peop!e ? ' Just how mueh sfceandher tutorl«£in do'wUh the people in Washingjon remai?)s to be ' Wrf. k ""Hie?? is o*ne ann^liHoii" or no an noxat ion, >an never fifiV'iV fteaa 1 Itete'Agftlh.'' TtbeYongi 'tc'tKe"3aurk f «ti<S no morē~ nf īf. >head Mr. P. i?, y run the thing '«""Hup H f A r the welfare

'nui' •: you j whh givc yo-ir ,not yonr enemles first con>icfera- | ;tion. If an ohnoiioa 4 * royali>t l< in j olHee, aiid be wi!l not restgn, make ! hin. Wha? right an enfnoy to a positiou under this Government f when weknow h« i? a hater of | it. and is teking step* at the present | time to Ttlti«Ser anything j toward annexation. I If the P. G. offlc!als haven't the j "nerve ,f to a«k the*e atul enemle* to vaeate, !et them re«!gn for someorio who Tt not in at c><rdanee wUh warfaW to conquer a foe", then !et him kiek you ;>!x>ut afterward !ifce a foot bali. Tf <he P. O. offlcla!s tfant to be kicked at, allright, but the boys of January Tfi don't 1 propose to «tand Tt. I The P. 0. ha« two «lternaUves, | either lose your frlen<"«!-, ot down | your enemie.-. Now, who are you j to stay with? v ! Vekgejl^C£.