The Liberal, Volume I, Number 57, 1 April 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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/ BY AUTHORITY. Notice is hereby given that th» Salsjrie* of Oovrnmen? J wfll hereafter be paid on tfc<? Fir?! day of the month telkvvdngj instead of the la«? <l«y .>f ?h* m<>nth ai heretofore, *'• PORTER, , Minister of Finance, Honolulu, Maroh 2f>, I<W5. *0-2t • ; rOUCE NOTICE. All C<m»mi«si6n« a« Sped*! Pof!c« <m the labuad of o*Jaa, bearing date prerSon# to J«cs«<7 36tL, 1898. sr* bejreby reraked. ■f®*.}' : 1 1 | W. G. ASHLEY, Manual. HocoJnia. March 10,1995. 'SMI NOTICE- TO SAVINGS BAHK DEFOSITORS Depositors in the Hawaiian Po*ta! Savings Bank who bare 00l bad interest for 1892 in tbeir Pass Book, will please forward tbettJ at ohm io tb« 6«otnl Posloffiee. Pfi-tnofnln. waltek hill. Postmaster General. SOI POLICE NOTICE Ait |meoat hoWatz commission?! ?vn %©ci»l PoHtsfl on the Islatad of Oaba, ate facreby to relttrn inch commisslcm* to the Slarsbars office on or before Sutnr<dt«y tb«i 4th day of March proximo, iSg.) W. G. ASHLEY, Marshal. MRisto&l's Of&ce / J ' Fabroar? 39,1SSS. . 19-td