The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 Malaki 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CUffVrd BUu*mnn A Boston Boy r s , Saved-Perhaps His Uf© By Hood's SarsapturiUu—Blood Poison**? by' Canker. Bead the following fri?m a grateful mother: "My Uttieboy had Scar}:? t Fever when 4 years old, and is left (tint very w.eak. and with blood with canker. Hi; eyoi became •olnflaioeUthat Ms suffer tags were Intense, and for seven weeks he Could Not Op«n His Eyes. I took Mm twice during that time to the Eye asd Ear Infirmary on Ovaries street, but remedies tailed to do hiia the faintest ahadqy at gtx>fi. I commenced giving him Hood's SaraaparlOa and it soon cured Mm. I luit« tnnonial In any way you choose. lam always ready to svuud the praist' of Hood's Sarsapa/rtfa VWWMit* *Otxl>\ ft)i jsy SOSD* Juaum F, HcA.csLiujs\ zma S<_ Bwten, M&»- . Ort B009& riOOD'Q PII.LB are Ijjmkl »nd[*nt|£S> He* I* Owaporttioa. proywUoa. aod LOCAL LINE, S $ AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolulu ftotu S. F. Leave Honolala for 8. F. , Mar. 22. .Mar. 29 Apr. 19 .. Apr. 5*5 THROUGH LINE From Sun Francisco From for (Sydney. Sani Arrive Honolulu. - - - Lean ALAMEDA, Apr. 7 I MAKIFt MAKIPOSA, May 5 | SIONOV From SyJuey f6r San rrinciaco» - Leave Honolulu. MARIPOSA, Apr. € MONOWAL, May 4 Wm. 6. IRWIN t Co., Ltd. General Agents, The Steamers of this Cotnpatsy sail to San Ffimcisw every month and every 3} days to Sydney, via i Samoa and Auckland. TTMT? TABXiBS and Through Tickets to All Points in Ihe Unfttd States, Cnn be bad at the UENEHAL AGLETS, WaauntW £ Co., Ltil. KMf VUSJVM. (LIMItED.) Wb. G. Irwin ('miUtot «A«i MAug^tr Ch»« Spreekel* < Vice-President W. M, GiXird Secretary tuj Xttugt^r Tfepo. 112 Autiiln* SUGAR FACTORS i *oni m <Vs it* n n is. il^L Mmmmwm. »lf:f 1 M i . ■ .