The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 March 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
> lIOSOLVLI STEAM SOAP WORKS Pore Lnttntlty iSoaj> fct up iii boxes of 100 poi-mh ~112 to, acd «8 b«uK«sch. for r»j itll retailers. M W. iMeCh«wa«)'£& Sam, , Amenta. E L V T E " ' tOE -:- CREAM -:- PAKLOKS Hart &Co , - - Props. BAivERH, CONFECTIOMSBS, Etc., m?. 112 m>. ; ! . w. a lui'K . ; If inr aml .ty/W/ Merchant. Merchant .St., Honolulu. HAWAII AX NEWS CO.. ] Mwlutit St., - c * J metropolitan -- MEAT 4 cOMPA KY . ami Headquarter^ King Sfm-f, - THOMAB LINUS AY, •« WATVH M A KER Ma N VFJQltvh INO jeweler. .tftlnerny Block. Fort si., ■ <• Honolulu. J. EMMELUTH & CO.. nAiunsAiu: -> dealers PimalH?r>, rititrs & Tin Workers. Carnor stone, Xuannn A Merchant Sts., Honolulu. LOVES BAKEHY, ®So»«»u St.. • Honolulu. 77// Of<!*<! Estublbhi d Ihikery ON THK 28UHM MllllM'lNt; iV I aIiILY ORDERS Woiujitiy attended to, " [S-Smos JOHN PHILLIPS, I'U MliEli d (iAS-FIITER. KINO STREET, HONOLULU. H E, MciNTYKK k HRO.. Grrwi''* t Wholesale ttna Retail, rv»r. Fort St-, Honolulu* OfcSTtiß * COOKE. fMI HT*H- \M> tfompnte»io)i - Merchant*. MU'I SHOE Nv. ; - COMPANY. r-»T«r.