The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 Malaki 1893 — A BRITON-BOUND PRINCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


\Vht!s Uu' boy wbu ii uow i>£4iikirig a- |vtk'«.Uvc of Egypt 3ucceeded to hU fafher not !od«j &s<>, Britkli t'.\uIliiUon r:< cut iuud, au<l Joog. Tf;e ueoe-Miou was another q£ ukoae strokes» of fortuue that have oftea V>uttresse<l Brlt!sE dfploco»Q' ia llie sefxure of covelecl twrtllōr3\. | new had Wa rearec[ to abbor the Pfeach, to 3efest reptt6ftgs, io :&dmlre Eagl&nd iaā \ Keaee w?- mkwwi f>JTī)<?y Jse eooo* try as pomp}ete>y Br}Jlsb letfllyr\as t Madras or the PttO]ah: It wsu <jatto trae that the young eame to power in cordial ?ympāfliy of his country. He tvad been reaml with that ob* jed m view. His aēsoomtiork! wero j all Ko3fHsh, His tutors, comt»wnio»i, • *n<l «tnff v?<c~r<- •<dtevte:i Bot the yoath haa aot i>een io plaee a year when he, too, lifee his pre<ieeessors, has digcoverect the ignomintyus«ervitadoof his vice-royalty He isr in form aud t>y title head of the i»t»te. but British agents> form his mlnis<trj-, British tax-gral>ber» piunder hls people, British regulatioos controt every, branch of Ihe £gyptian a<JmiiliBtratioiu Britbh | v»naiity corrodes every artery of | tbe diseasK;«i s>tate. j As a conseqnence, the young i prince, believing himselt in jpower f | attempted to install a ininistry resj «cMibi€f to himseif tbe other day. He was soon taughi iii« plaee. The Britlsh haughtiiy refuse<i to recogijiize the new officiafcs> and, oo reeeipt of a curt order froai lx>ndon, the Khedive repiaced the rascaily junto of aiiena that are plumlerfng the Eg> r pt?ans In ftie W-ere«t of the And thfs, 100, nnder onier* frorn the hen<l of h p«rty !h»t eame to powt>r on!y ;t few month>< «go under pledge to the liiber?»l votert th*»t Engltind ? * hand »honW be Ufted from the N»»e eountry. tbat the odious Tory p<>licy o! grab «hōuid he rt'verso<l, that fhe Hooae Rate dera«nded hy the Trt-h iie permitte<t the Egi*s»ti«n* ! ! The trath iand lusf born in tbe Britf«h bone, »nd 1t •pM«tMe ioeheek Jt in Briti-*ft ! By art ami tr**ohery the plunder!ng hand 0f Brltafn even now reaching out for provioce* in .SoatlL Aioerica, in Mexico, in Moroceo, in CkiaH, anywhere, evorywhe.'e, tbat tne wettk «eem dwfea-t-le- s « ur the ?m'Hffercnf. Tt !s io eeahle i her fco wrrk u(fc'hecked 1 that the pres» of fsritft!& I?» l»mentīng troubit īa Fmok' f ?H-.. cou->pU Ak>r- \o rue*;i*ce the Uepub!!u ln ir.!»rr *,■} h<»ck th® dip!or»aey of the KTy*ee, whfeb bm c.f tet« roatef! BrfUs?i marpiotM in Egypt, Momc<N>,"Per?it», CuiiM, WiU 61. —l"%s!ru'€'? .im ." t,*>.