The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 March 1893 — NOTES [ARTICLE]

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Bi u.a.. \ The paMie are tre«ted to au ex-} h}bitnm of eoloniaī rancor In ilii? \ ano&xalion &gitaLtion ~ Cre!glitott is«! *a Aastratj*n» the Ashford>" -Ate f the MeFdrīau#s 1 Thr»m-, Kew Zeal«Qders, Cjrowl»y a ?K>fth of IrelatKl Australian, Whitm? a Nova Scotlan, In tbe f«ee the pet!tfoiiS coDstantly pf»»rlng tn at Washingfoo from Oānad* and other Eng!īsh eoionies for annexatiQn. it look? as if these people were about a day behind the fair, The ('uekao is not u habi r a r of the i But tjje of ' UL'k- ] ol«jt thu{ theat fair region-* oonlain j felsomething enormous. Hunolulu' i5 j>artieularl\* prbllfie īn ihe s^>eoie> 1 euckoid nnd it tk ! kic eul Bul- ] zac hiinself if fete were de- ] seribe the griH>pful way iu whieh ! they wedr their pluuiage anu care- j fully attend the young of*the ;ib>ent euekoo. In the wo.-tls of the ,poet: {I There"s many maii Rocbing another man*s ehlki When he think> h* 1 '» rwkin<; hia Geoege 'lKkaae <7uctfe cuak«< eke as«eīCwu m Bvwab£T ol tb& Nt>nfo Ai»efsr»» B€>vJ&ir thai the annex&tioa ol theae is\&ads would be uncottstitutiQuul, But he doesn't prove it nor eaa he. There is not a lineor syUable, in the federai eonstitutioo oa whieh to base sueh an krgumeut, - Mr, t*urtis takes tbe abstrd pcs?jtion īhat no terr!tory eau be aonexe<l contigaou* f iii " 3M • preeiuuef iiie iimted »c~ jK»se«slon of any islatid ieitber «eeap. The Aiueriean flrtg I ia broad enough to cover the islands iof the sea, as weli as the continents, Its foids wili soon wave over these island§ to the exclusioD of all others, and like the Negro raee of the Sonthern States, the native Hawaiians will soon be amalgaraated witji other Americans am! 1 >eeome even 3Jore patrloti€ thun the longe-t ltgged yankee of New England or*the most aristoeratie Muej-btood of Virginia. The Un ted Btates ean absorb terrltory e uite as easlly as l*. absorbs people an<f wiU fiiid the ■nat-ive inhabitents of i>h.mdt: more easily mac> Amerlca«« than the blue nosed Canndian- and !S"ova Scotian» \vho ar? opposin;g tbe annexntion m6yenieat ; .' j There should be better drilied I men as officep» in the voiunteers ' corps. is a DDOvement <>n foot, am6tigst the prlvate# f to de- ! mand that officers shall render thera--1 seives competent before they ean cotomand. Of the twen|y or more offlcers of the volunteer eorp» ? only o<»tonel Boper r Maj«r Pishigr, OapUln Oann and a few others are eoni|>etent to rtritt uoen. A nmn mmi noi only possesa ēxperlenm In milltary afTafrs, but he must t>e peculiarly fltted in dispo«ition, pre"*on e of mlnd and perfection <.f -ooīneaā ander trying e t Uke charge of and drllt a large of r»w recr«lts. Some of the ofßeers | eleeted throagh perso«ial popuiarity, captaioa and Ueuteuaafc* have doqe | themsēlvea an Injdstice lii seeking ] such p»>=ition-. They appear t j a ] pitiful disadvaotag« iu givīn- eoa,- ( whieh they them-» !v< - '.-īnoot execule correctly. They 'fal! t»> • iufuse iti ttī*-tr in' % n that e-*pri' <īu corp* i- n* t. but iu-teud, disr >uragp ani di- | hearten enen, by their ign.->r.»nee and ; Inaptitudo. j