The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 Malaki 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TEE CHAN, —DkALSR IN--GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS FANCY GOODS, t Chinese and Japanese Silk Handkerchief:*, Matting ana Camphor-wood Trunks, and Dry Goods. 31-33 Ncuaxu Street. -5-6mos mi Klfrlrit' fly Tr»i» will catca 'cm Stable Bov or flic Coot punn-'t bfeak Alt Steel Aat Heart*ys.s; can £'knv wnii a Long No.-e'i Oiier ; and ..j Ulob? Vision Fnekiii£ your uder? • teak anv ror>r<». lip FM M Silverware. Screw Plate Usr a C'hidago Double Spring Hih'J*. Un the door, and take romjort. gt<rtidard Maps of Hawaiian Port*, and « thousand standard ctpplla net* in all tun* of Hardware. E. 0. HALL nd SON, . Cor. Fort and King Sts. 26.1 m Attractive Goods Are Always Taking And Taken. A rtiit t<< i»jf itor< lt ' i - JSJEJPA-1 you. it wilt gilt you «m IDEA 0/ JJU* YEA KS STYLES ,oi ® ■ *ftjfr* T«W. p f<> " n " 'am , idijv nrtfr'c" ft** prc«fn 1 1- r<i*tfng HALF-\-POU-AB ta unt/whtre fa the "FOUR HTOBRED