The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 Malaki 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
i Mk. :—-Thece havīng beea I s aid aavi wyiitea j£. | ' this zovern- : »".Jvw 17) >\ to nāā u ;ew wortis 5 p£ge£&sz 'Wil righte, Some ex- ? l j>re«w*o ar< ai" īhe [ | maaae* iu whieh Mr, Sanders » j j.KngJWMiiP;i<. it appe« rs tiiat he ! ! hia post(loa sho«ld give < rn '-■ ""-neh'" oiī the enpmm \ . ! A iiv i th«i Australia arrived on j » l ' r u: i v ? hc " iobbi&<J up aii j I tfee bq|£*ge, anel no oue eiīe bad a j \ was oiiLiie, aE(il ao j o' ive ilieoi a iiUie ! #how!w ! >ay thai he' ! %etß ali the busiae« from | tlie 4f«yj»er«. Thy Port Surveyor j «howKiylther go out of tho express ! ur hia . j r press tnuu who has a wife I aati #B!fr chikiren to t«ke care of, ! Sanders has almost | hfm of u livelihood. It i«k3*ir Mr. wants the! ear£JC£.l think that a man hoidmg! ■wj»° shoai<l giv<i tlie pwe | exjMNpß& etv, v»C\v> wt»o ; y oī wzbmg a j whafr āiū Saaāers āo ! the new governwas asked what he was, anel he said: U I am 1 goingysit right herein this ofEce." J» kin».l ol raen the Proviwero tookiDs for f iWW3P k '... —--i» ī nr«{it , e , -1 itrm%he GoWrnraent to flnd s©tno one more suIUMe. anr! iOof6 4l&:?vfog for that ptace. . Let tbe P. G. take tlu"s into eonslderfltion. Equai. Bights.
Mr, Editok:—Tour paper having always been the ehampion the middle class of people, please allow nae $pace to set forth a grievanee. The greater nutnber of the thirty odd meq, who firat captured the Q«veniūaeßtßuildiiig, aqd by whose «M prtflk»lpH!ly the Provisional | Government \vas brought into exhave beeu sliglitevl and ea&«€s rgnored by the government Whleh tksy have brought Into ex!stence. | What nature of gratitudo ia thi.-? [ Why Qot,favor us in their distribuj tion ftf poUtlcal patronage? We [ have lfiteUlgent, competeat and ; trustwwthy uien among us as ean Ibe iu this- e >untry. We are | ready aod able to perform our work, an<t ean lx» depetided upon to ex- i ecute a pabUc trust falthfully, and ( Oot |pqfc Upoo a g<3vernment job a ; »*prlvate ?naj>. v ; r Wlli* does the Ciovernmeut aot ■ r«move toyalists, auil make rwra j for beker meo. OF»OF TH£ "DREI HUXDRKD." ! , •. :. i - ,