The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 March 1893 — From "St. Cristofore Colombe" of New York. Feb. 29. 1893. [ARTICLE]
From "St. Cristofore Colombe" of New York. Feb. 29. 1893.
' II ira^i>»^Sjg > £ a 3i* 'lei tpuU»I;cA uaa k'.i-in .U .*&erc W;ic>23||jpdiu -I-.I X.i'.V.-a.' la'u;, rf.';c, *-<iaact<» :r. —' l >i ' : ' Vi h^ouu>!-L.;:i. . Mrar;tt.i ūiiaur.e--ip » *. ~Ji<vre prioiH U- IV! ui^uiftU t -_-si npn f «upy 1 ' t- i .novtter».' . Cu1Ia f, rz.t >Iv<I» -r:ui. 1 1 ~>z<. v«pi— , in n gn! ifi('*! > — n r. ī',\roK~< <>n- 1! tat! in pro|«)«it•> ---- •'Oii h.r.v M i;.it«; >' tsv:r ih tn- ; ne=siooe -<■ E:i >«bsi «1 tnivuf»o twttati conveotcnt<.i mente i k>ro eapl i vt, li in ynM»lerti...M'••*..' " Voi s*pete cbe qumte piam 5 a fa mai |<Mtt|H?nJente, aīilw vTie di ; nome. Aleun «>. consoii <ji potenxt* >rra:iiere, <lyyrt-. bero eaaaffe coQ3Mlt«ti dei *Sfe£i del. gabTnetto. | «Ou*ai$Ki&$sione agti y.i li Uniii, a eondiziQjii «que, basajta -ul{M eguagiianza <lei dicitti e sui «enU.aiehli di nmanit4, -nrebbe Ui grattd& .vaotaggio p«£ 1a li,bertS e per īaloOli penden«|i;":aeT popoiei haawaSauo. Jje maggs®??&|& -iouo'.a*ortif per seuj- | pre ; [:> — I
i The followiog cJroular heen ' isstiedl b>* tho Y. M. C. A: **Tbo reaUing room of this associu- j iion, to the shelves of whieh raany j kiod donations of books journals have, from time to iime, beeu by friends īn aud elseWhere, and whieh' is fairly suppUed with periodical literature } Is eonstantiy used by many vlsitors, resideutB or gtraogers, sailors and others. Tn order to increase Ihe efBciency of this important departmet)|tof the assoeiatlon, the direetors »re very anxious to add a supply of in.struclive and eutertainiDg book.s.'' It 'i? probabie that many private boofc eases contain Jbooks whieh ean be spared for this purpose by thoir owners, and whieh would iopm a useful and valuabiev.addition to the attractiveness of the Y. 31. C. A. Readijfg Koom. Your kind lntereSt ih' this matter N iflqiie!sted." , • Books will be accepted at the Y. A- at aoy J.ime.