The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 Malaki 1893 — RETROSPECTIVE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


■ . It iss a great coasolatioa ta the eaemy to be able to excuse lheir eowardiee aail sayiuf they wert» overawed by llniled States forcei. Tlio truth is v they had no appetite for fightiug wiieu it I eame right lo the poiut, and §iere, i waō uot a single uian i» <4ueen'& crowd that had tbe kj£oW- , iedge or übiiity to tal^Q, , and defeud the throD«. I States had not attacked oor I any deiuonstraījou against. I e*isiwg goverameut. Xoe^ , eame here to protect Au>erliTirift-, • " ,cileixient. it was thefr ihat mado cowards of the roy®kta. fl'hey, stood awiiile trembiing, in ,th«ir boots and not knowing whieh way to run or what to do, they c«llapsed. The Amenean Hiūi!=ter refused to recogoize the Ptoviaional Government untii it had fuij posi aession ol the government buildjng, poiiee BUtion and barracks. It wouid never have been recogi)i2:ed if the I>rei- Hiindred had not gone and takeu places. The abov<*' is reprinted irom a back nutnber of The Libebajl.