The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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ho.UK pcrsoni> ure ovidontly ōf thc | improBslon ttiat Thk Likkkai, fs j publishod for tho puri>oBi) of aeeom- , pli9binp: j>ersonal ends. T havooniy J assumed temf>orary <'harge of this jourual. Ak long, us it u»der my contn>l, a!l nr thc at>ov« !doft iiwy n«,well dls*>lpntc lt *t onee. The Engllsh coltimns <>f (hi 9 i>ajw3r wHlnot bo tompt«re<l hy any morceaary or perf»onal !nfluonce. Neithor wilt projudice or blgotry, as lf tw oft«n the in HoneAulu jo!irna!!sra, ia a»y wfs« afTeet the tem>r of our artfe!os. I do not «leem ? t proper or f!!g-n!fic(ī to att4iek porANojrvMors oorre*>pon«ieiKo t<ij Thk LinEUAL wll! rwt!ve spuee ut ; our but oob' wben Uie name of tt»e eorrespondent & K«ft iu tlifaf ofllce. Anyone attnekea or !njure<! !>y correiipoiid.obco of -ueh a iuitttre Will b© !nforiuoU OJt tlie true oauio of the et>rresponitoril uy«n t»pp!tcation, Tiu: senUiug <>f ii ffoUa tbe t T liited Sutoi to Hnwaii to 09teD«lbb' aceorJ wit!» tbo Amorienn tdeft 6f fa!r play, Tho ProviMmtat <«ovtvt\u\eu(/ft w»re in a «reat l>asU\ 'l'hh h wbero tbe>y >uatJe a m'i*:a\cuhilioiu j A« mueh ,tho Atuerictm uallou u*lght <.tcsire possu*s(<iu uf . I«land", thoy wou!d never pounee j npo» us, vvtthout flht both i st<ios maUer,' uuil guiug j through l thi' f«»tm of au iuvefctij»u , tb>o. īn my m!n<l thci'j bno duubt that Wliatevor-lbt» luty»uUou uf tbe Cleveland adiuiuisttdtiou ia tu | !staad« } U t< pre<leteruiiuetl. Ali llio . , ma«s meettngs whioU uid.y bo beiJ,! an4 all the AnneAalhu, CivU ? Rlght« anil,lS»trlotic LeAgueb whieh ( might H>o fOrmed, wUI iu uo wa,y j alter Uii» pr^leU > rmb>atton, Al hII j let u« pM'paro for Lbe ( •rrlval of thf> Kili | th« caH # »a>otbvr ouuelwa !a Am«r!cao atn! wbovp f vpg*amtly. , . A mo«t rruvl mna|jk: gf | £ostm st li uaou tbe dcath { ol ottrJ#te <-KUt6< p.i L HunUimau» ( Jiaa |mpbi to [. BcMirn4l o. "\s bruv |ty <iatca tu , m <U* 4w (, k »»r* tA var Wm āwureal $&- 1 ract*£<? <#' fact ttecsas> % «<t U «na I, h tmo!Lt t we } *®Saf«? h>m !h«t ri-j»j e 'l ,«nd a<lustl- , nllon forth >ta «,u, uaoelOah . otanly \ju oi tiio l«te Mr. j wlil liv« 'u , {u&uuoo *>' H u lllu ioDK aftu t ! tM&I Sk>tbwe'? will bo I j _ ■ j ■ki _ | Wmwx Uae 4*rfc dt|st uj, , «Bj wbt»r€ % m iWy>Wail / , a g«uor di4 !|®! *#¥ itpl U 1 1 J ' i.'-

ii? Bī4 hm n A #ay that !f tbeyj Wmma m;ghi <cn& him* And §jjf hĒ cct wait in vainf' 3teiUwr tb<cy ?Gad th*| Po»ial saviags lUDk"Cerk Vo-le-houw. Sibce (hi> jroong man still h«\<i* hf* pjls!Hy T»e ha*j b€comc ao ardent annexs«nni-t. Mu«ty Order Oerk Oat tumed i Mt, <Je6ptte the ordoirs of royallst HUI, aod raoreovcr, d hoaldcml a gon oight and day. I? memory aerves as rightly, he is th€ only one of the whole l*o-st Office fort*e who ?how<Kl hi-i trae col<jrs. He was not one of the feifc€ stra<ldting kind. Kaowiog hl« ,tluty, he p€ffonneci It. ! We have beea accu»<J of being a revoiatiuni»t, a a leadiog iaember of the Geriiian cotony, a taember of ihe "drei yet o©ver a fnrm?r. $tttl duriog our lefsui , e we have given the theory pf Huaali land holdings eonslden»T>lp medltation. After a thorqugb study, \ve have oome to, the eoaelueiou that until tfie steamahip and llailway owsers heeouie phil»ntropists, ;tnd the ChSnese and other eheap laborers are all dead, the «aiaali land holdiugs" theorv is chiinertcaK Ose of the first puhlie ptagues n , hf' , h «hou?<"? reqalre Marsha? Hiteheoek's attention is the "merry-go-round" on King strcet, just below Nuuanu.. Every Saturday evening this spot is mad<? -ihe resort of drunken men and women. We are told that ehHdren, not more th«n teti and eleven v years of age congregate at thif? plaee. A wink heinp good a hod, we wiil make no ftirther suggestion in thts mntter. Tttet:f is u well defined rumor of a fhange In the Posttnastershi|> at the end of the month. The raost !mport;«nt <|ue«tlou now is, who wlll he his sueceSHior? There are v«rfnti!? niimes eoupled with the posītfon, btit none of th4m ?o farare accefJtable to the Libebal, When we say, Liberal, we the men who foo!ishiy guarded the prēj:naiit be!tarocratic mother, wliile tf|, P : O. ha» being eonce!lpcd, wfihout j men outside of Maaonie Lod||e 21, as well fls outside of ftio immeiiale rt»!fgio-po!itlc(» olleiue froia vfhom to p!ck. ' Aftkj?. perusing ihe letter slgued ««fj. J. īlitehfle!d n we have found nothing therein eontrary to eommon .-on<*o or human pature. Mr.. W. 0. Wilder\s remarktj at the anne?:ation -meetiug whieh evoked <uch tremer!dous applause, were to ;dt intenfs exactly siiuilvir to Ihe of thiit lelter. Every liberal mlni?ed man will endorse the senttmenC whieh prompted '•'llileh-Anii-anuex-, Mlonssl* »atur»]Jy eonāemii Vne' letter. Tiir huihīiAi* upproves of| cverj- sentetice. lt eoutaiu«. ; Not a long whllw t»go, i')yati<itsi hii(f a habit of tetling people who did not llko th" thetii exisistiug 'Joudi-, tf(m« t<> paek up and leave. Condl-1 liun l ? have ehanged. Poetic retri- j haīion nmy be nbvv doled out toj dlscontenft'd and gruuibling roy;ii-,| Ut* by rettdtatt«g iu tike eoin, j Wr hav«>i m«ide lt our busiucfc to| fnqufrr» a>. to whcther X>, Kawauannkon, who Is mw ou exliibltlou in ' W#*Mngton, T>. V., a re«I # llve !lrtWiiHfin Priiu o, was rcceiviug a «whin- from the gt)verouieul. The 1 re«?ntt actihd!y surprtsed Al thoufh īncredTbte, it U u«vertheles3 tm« te»t Prince Davld's does not g> 'Ui. *T*hN H certainly eu-j rotir»gtng.' PortiAp'« tlie P. Q.. tbt i thlng ,¥ ' afler aii. j i>«ywoui of S1 4 «&0 by ibe l*w\)3wanl Uowwuwui tke ti<.'fKi*<>d ilueea hlllfi<iksLU<i.i aC {&&£ 4» Thv j v>f tho goveruuitui aeeiu lu fed uuder oUigdUou poiieU M«jesty. Just wher« uliHgAttuti lie.- I> a iuystery to us. j Th>.' eJk- { iueeu h o! eoui;-e depiivi;d, ul ciH'Uv>\»n Uudii, &:■ wdi tu Uer $atUx j . This dcpri valiou waa Uie j 1 of hei furate( «uUieeU. &et|a!l her dght «*u<l Utle ia • iUeie l>Uuds l f *evvU3u<i e>tiuct ai UseX| dvWi n»ewc.>< Ut>l 4l«ol ili īi. v.laīui t.» uuoueuu | cQsiuKic«<OioH at jthv batiJs of tHe

*,-peotrte, 1a e*trtlng "through her ! oor v!«w !*. h a gros« | at!oo *r pehlle l3* tte tō som| % wor®c ore < . dSfderiat tfee ' t«llefi?y of thlV, A tlw4bove ' «ii&« fs !t tiM fQcon*f»Wi for tbem ! to even thlnk for a m«meDt o! eli»- ; tho mcunte<! palroI f who 1 are for poMIe \ Several other mlnor tnc!dcnbu ex- | pen>e?* have *:>een frowned upoa ,by certain members of the P. G. If their eoocer»t for ihe j>us>Ue | mrmey« «o great, why thls uaetesa j wa»tfe » f $1,250 weekly? Hawaiiax women are begknnlng to dftbWe Ia politicā. . īius, we be!ieve, is a nove!ty to JJonolalu. Exaetly what the ladie= intend to do at present !t is hajd to ioiagme > but, iq Ume, fchey majr beeomea foraiidAWe el«oient ia Uao peUtics. Where is the man adafuantic a-> not to touchfid t>y tlife pieādlog of a pair of soft bruwu eyes, If a e«mtnittee of iadie« svere sent to moderate pur poiiliea, we wou!d verj* ac<|ule»ce, as Mong a« they ff<jre around. Mter we are annexed, tbī3 same league, und«r a new titie*wīl!» no doubt, ciamor ror t4 wotoan*s, righte." s - We do not dare to, presume that the patronjs of Tiie Likkkai: wiil expeot the literary quality of, this paper to be what it was, tor the journaliBtic BUperjor of our fornier ed!tor never set foot upou Hafr£iiau soil. •