The Liberal, Volume I, Number 55, 25 March 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
, -1 A tto»toft Spy's Eyesight His Life By Hoojl'a S^rsaparQZa—Blood Poisoned by Canker, Bead the following from a'gra'etul rootb-STf "My lirtit)boy h«i'i Scarlet F<»ver.irbea 4 year* old, and it left him very weak aod with blood poimrd with caaUrr. Ilii tye3 T>eeai|So. so icftunvl ihjttUis suffmiig* were lor **v«»n wceu* ue . ..■ Could Not op*n His Eyiftft* I took him twice during that time to the Ey» and Ear Infirmary oa Charted street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintnt shadow of good, i commence)! giving him Hood's Sarsaparflla arid It soon cured him. J have nev*r donated that it mt«4 hi* vsgfeutiven umootal in any *ray you choosc. lam always ready to sound toe pratoe of Hood's Sarsaparttfa because of the wonderful good it <114 my Asbib 112. Blackxah, 2388 W Boa ton, Maw. Get isS* #*»«*! MM STEAMSHIP CO. Tn<? Summer? of this Company sail to ft Mn Francisco twice every month. and every 28 days to Sydney, via Samoa and Auckland. - V^I^.TABX^W and Through tickets to All Points in the United States, Can be h»<l of the G&NEB.AL AGENTS. m. a, iRwiK i Co., int. Mi mmta - ilimitJED.) I 1 ( J'; Was. G, Uwui,. — t*r**id*nt and Sl&cati&r Otus 8?r«ckel« Vi<xr President W.MLGiftard,.....Secreutry mtd XiWNßffc? Theo C Auditor *o*jn> ot tmt I OCEANIC STEAMSHIP GO# OF SAX FBANTiSCO £aL JW , - -