The Liberal, Volume I, Number 55, 25 March 1893 — D. L. HUNTSMAN. [ARTICLE]

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ts A Hfe full ©f pr(.\in-»e h*s heea er.tia ? uū*hv.i. ur,d : v>r tu aßy A ti*y the w<>rkai£ eliWi iuaew wortb 01 iheir deparveil fnen<i Will »peai. o£ their ioa* ami aumm i»b emei de*th. It wm the wrlter'ā priv;iegtliave known D. L. Huotsai»n for :he last three years and to have beea at time» associated with him a wrlter oa publlc questtoas. It wa^ bv this medns that we h*k»m». attracteii toeach otficr f audaithough

an oeeaaional d!ffer<vjcc of opiuion woulil arbr. wt* eou'ni agre« to differ aad be frien-J?. 6ar departed friend had iugr&ined in h:ca ui&uy of the he«t quit!īiies oī our eoaiuiou natQr<:\ Hia intease and un?te!Rshne«is sto<Ki out iu r*iief. HU love of what wu g©oJ aod trae ia soctai, aud poliiieal life f aiui his pronounced dete3tation thv igQob!e JLLiā the saam saved him fruiu beiug weijfhted wUU * Urgt.- eireic of acquaiuUacoi aad pro!e-_v-eJ friond'j J uad gave kitu U> soiiH' exteDt the air of u He wa3 truthful and hooe3t to hid i coavietious ia l»b speech aud t newsi)aper wrltiag 3 , aud fouglU | wilh hu visoi up. JTJslI$ y£ couric ' [ braugiit hiiu uQpoiiularity, i>ut" hw never wavered nur Sinetj€d froia what he lal4 down as hia path oi d,āty. .Asj ajft'dter I>. L. Huaieuiau. wouKP >ara ] a oeuUioa of |>roai; • aenoe āuy ior # he was a of uausual fertHit>* aad r«gourj»y aud Uad great power in wōriāag up ;tnd exhai»tiag his dubject. Loag will Uw memory aud hia grave be kejn greeti hy his friejads aad eompatriots of the lateruatioaai Liberal League of whk-h hy wai thc Isad;ns ilght—aad who-e iūemb«rwill ever ehemh his ster!iog wortii.

Our frleml was not con<3plcuou* as a cßurch goer, hut U»e goldeii rule found a <leāl of piay ir. hls gen*!ro-sity 'na-i "Thc virtnys wLiol &tiii pr*ws For aotice aml lar as āueh loaad uo plaee in our . dcpurted friend's aature, for iii-> [educatioDal ah[lity whieh wii l was «3Coeed«*t bv hi- <le«ir<? to u-e It a«s the lever for placiog buaiin!?y in an elevated atiuo-?pheri» <J 2' and politie!il ith«rty. D. M. e. ■