The Liberal, Volume I, Number 55, 25 Malaki 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A FAIR TRIAL of Hood's gg- •• saparilla guarantees a compete . care. Ii is an honest medicine, honstly advertised and it honestly C U R ES TP LET A Famished House at D'amoml Head Containing three rooms and a wide veranda, together with other buildings on the premises. J The lot is one acre in extent and is a fine location on the beach. For further particulars apply to Mlig. THERRSA ("AKTWRIGHT, 45»tf Liberal Office. YEE CHAN, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS FANCY GOODS, Chinee# Ja&»»»»» aKgyjjifTftihKfei Matting 6flTg*TnHiof-wooa: Trunjt*, ~ 1 and Dry poods. 1 i 31-38 Ncuanu Street. Muiuax. Telefboss 028,/ 135 t'osx Sikkbi I Y. LUM SING, I OEAtBK IN FRUITS & GROCERIES FreabFro:;* by Ever.? California. Steamer. Freeh Island Baiterjfrom Hawaii. COFFEE RoI&TEES. 25-i C BREWER & CO. QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU. AGENT FOR Hawaiian AKrlcultuml Co., . Oswaas Sugar Co., HoDotnu Sugar Co., . Wailuku Sugar Co., WaiheeTtanuCe. Malcec Sugar Co., ; HaJeafcala Ran«yh Co., Xapapala Itaaei. 31 Maulers' ifcose Sia Trntt tfwo Parfrfcls, , v 0. Brewer Jk Co-'s.ltoe of Boston Paciets. * Ageati PbUtuleTi-bU Board of Catfeotritetfcy Agcut< Boar 4 <>' U»T OV OFFICKRJ, Uecrxe H. luttoerwoi; HLPTttohcp, - not w. r. Jjten. flan C. R H. Wa*eTtw>uw.K«; P C Alien. Esq.. and Majuifer. -- - W BOOK-BINDING 7N* ALT. IT 3 mASVIIIX. „ A [ajtajun**, fontmh mi * r Blaak Books, Oop,io K So<^J 5 D.T Books. Cfc&h Books. 7 Awflnt Boolui. Ttouißoalu, * i'uctfuikNS* JkL&p Moauiiog, ... ... , ' Uttexujg to GaUl, B!w!!»;r in iforocoj, Koan, Persian, etc. J •< PAPER HUTNG. ' * IfJMI m fewM-rf -Ncuict^-inrst-t-*** ft* ~'jMug irvaraasnd. »*■#*«*> «AZgTXK G|j. <*4 M fieak | '*■ Mwmwm&j ; CV ,