The Liberal, Volume I, Number 55, 25 Malaki 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BY AUTHORITY. POX-ICE HOTTCE--4,. ' ' t. « ' <--*1 Poltc* ess th* bears nc d»i« pt*rkw* »o J 3n %-r jj* * 'tt U Mt« rrroked. " , r' ] v;. G. ASH.I.ET, * Marshal-H'T.'C-Wt®- M-.r-jf. I'-. ;*-£>• 52-41 NOTICE TO SAVINGS BA3CK BEpositors. r Jt> v a- f'ott^Sdmss t . t lt.l interest for I*®2 /rj'er-'l :: •*■.<? - B-x-k. •:« pU** *«"* ward tie® »t wk to the Genera! Po« toffee, HflßOlOlls. * Walter hill, Postmaster Geceral. 50-1 POLICE WGTICEA!! penwos fco!die« consmlwoo* as I'olioe ots-the I«t*nd of Oabo, are durecukJ to retorn »och toTOnsiMriotis •d tb» XlarthaTs office ots or before Sator(:s» tfc« Ith <!iv of March proximo. fgg.t W. (i, A»HLKI', Marahai. Marshal'* Office, February », _!««. 4<>td