The Liberal, Volume I, Number 55, 25 Malaki 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A <orv of Thk Li-beral containing "Kaiulani's Plea r * should be mailed to the Htsonide, it might he of as«istance to the Ēditor In enabling him to ascertain the extent of *Kalulani f s elalm to this, ln?r «!ittle taro-patch." oni; hae y«t exp!aincd «atisfae£orily what legat elaim Princess K»lul»nl ha.« to the throne of Hawail. She is not ōf thc blood-royai of the Kamehamehaa/ nor is she even the daughter of the deposed Queen Liiluokalani, The Q ucon 11 had named her as her suci'o3Bor, it i» true, but llke many other perwnshe flnds hcrHelf \inablc t<» d®llver the go©d». The Princess' elalm or title certainly mu»t fall wlth tbat of the Queen ? and her title i» aot worth talking <>f since h«i depositlor."—S. F. Chronide. * —— % 'rpt t*rffAftts?ny of tho Anwx«tion Lcague, in view of thc new® brpught by the Austrft!ia, was very ' oppōnuBe. Tbi« teaguc 1$ a large and repre«entat|vr lK><ly, aud will no doubt act if»m a eheek npon thc P. U?6 erratic method of government, The organlzatlon has plenty of work beforc it. Whcther it wili bo able to accooipi!sh thif* or not dependt= of eouric ent!re!y itsolf. ī?y oontinulng as they have comuicuccd they wlll attnift tboir object. Onee iet them allow the I\ CJ. eonellii»tory »eotiuient to creep into tiie League, then they may as.weil d!sband. The decWon in the Browu v.«. Spt>ncer v 4 a3<fy whieh Ims given Urth to jour»alistic rot in . fhd eolumn'!? of tlie, līolOmm aiul HiUUUn, wai peopei* and expected. The dii«uib4t Mr. C. A. Br<>wn wa* iinai »ct <»f a uiiul?ter >|vho wus moiueulariJy eaLpcc!lug offic!!a! docapltat3on. It wa.* a dl9gti)C»>ful cxhibUlo« ot oi<&Hce. >Tr. f{rowi\ h&i pwen * f-.vt(hfut awi voaij>etent ofß<-ia! a* weli ao honest mmi. Ono wpr<l of h}s ls uioipe (han'<tu olT«ot any all afn4&vitv fl!ei! by tboW-iuffti»iW- mob onder the gul»e of a par!!amcnt T!i« V«iUftAteimrnt of Mr|tifrown in the Tax A*se*&orshlji <omxn«Ddahle. īt aii oA&iw'* of <h»- P, O. weroof Ui« ttra£j||fbrs w he, AOl* <)pfkto WOUW e of |h« poiiUc«! WBters.' v A J&ii» thb' puU a very j »juery, To auswer, it Ui| |vilsta'iice r»f the wiseacres of the|p. O. Why ex-Qa®eo »hou!< reoeive .i weekly »Upc&d i-* u >exp!atn» < s i«'. If w© h»ve a I! t[n ' Ik3l© belkr step 0 >Wu au<i »>ut m h« hm m ltgdl or e jiksistent o(fielil <*sfetfence. !f we hu i,4 uo Quceu* by what authuri J ar* the P. O. P»ying I)(Utt«lui)« jl a vseck!y lt the g*uliuu vt the P. Cl. h»v® br, on ov«ruouie a spUit «t CThristian kindue«s k m U> their p! *liuvlug Ihe tr»m lhvir <j ?ta f» > bat ' li it i2ēct<k(&X >tywx āmwh%g (iiu i pi iiie St»w S»v«hp 4f Um U» «re ta W

weT! verwl In TK they not knew that tbe I\ G. !•> to Uie for cverj' ».*nt ihu> pald ts-Quf&n? Līliuokalani rttfjttires a in« Uitm oī $1,200. «eek!y a> ien|)or&rv $Qit eooeh ■ due Qae«tl T>owager KapJo!ani, Kaialani, Pomaikalani, in<] Prio*e« Kawanaeakoa and ! The Hoa. T. C. Parter t the ne*v Mini?ter of Piuanee i« a man eomparatively unknowa to i>olitJC«. He euters into the. mmifttry wiīh the n>eor<l of 'a succes§ful financier. The | task" whieh'he ha« taken upoo his haad». in enterijjg the ministry is . not an enviab!e one. Many men i faave been tried in the Bepartment! 0 f FiDunce- Sot one o' thexn up to . date covered himself with <. g(ory as a statesman. The dnfies, of I thi* office are exce?=ively j This makes the rumor that the pre- ( gent incanabent {•< there fco gnard | the Bpreckelis-IrwiD iuterest very j piau»ible. At any raie Mr. Porter | hrts a WHjctiiffceiit opr»ortunlty to j achieve a brilliant poiiUeal reeord. ; Being an untried man The Liber- j al will eagerly watch* his actions. i 80 far/ hīs appointment is quite 1 satisfactory. j m^mmmmmmmm^mmmmam