The Liberal, Volume I, Number 54, 18 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
THE KAHI'NA IN POLITICS. —Onee npon a time, there was a half-crazy fortano-teller who mauaged to aoquire a vcry considerable ioAueneo at the Ilawaiian Court Bho was eonsultcd <lally ou the Hppropriato and lucky thiugs forllis M«jesty to tlo. Majcsty was a very firm believe, but a very poor .payer, Home gentlenjen who were interested iu the royal movements did the paylng, and worked the oracle to sult thelr plans. When the Vates went out of bualue.S3, the wholo gov- .. ernniental maehluefy was throwu ont of gear. Royalty had to fall bask on the home-grown me-āieine man, who, whUe caakes ' ou the crea lillie easiß db tbe 15***' good old
* the oeople's affairs by tbe aid of a !©W kahunas and as<sassfn?. The iwihuna was a po!soncr, anrl fhe kittg*s aaaaaalne" crcpt aroun<! and d©stro> T Dcl th©lr vlcttuos or «Ihoi-wiw at a «llBA<lvflntage. Boiween the two classos of offlclals tho p«ppio were prctty well terrorlzed. aboumls }n difYovont s£oei'es ol l4>bslU, «ot«c of whleh are thc most iHsiduou« and doa<lly of polbooB. Of the aellon i> -cir iulative. Under siuall do.-es tt > patieut &U'kons and ai>paront!. . ©f some slow diseusc. Thc natives tiri»V b©lievo iu tho powcr of ka liuuas to "pray M people to dQath. Tlioir feursare well founded, though it l« uot prayer that kllK UBaafty, aimit thc!r spel!s Uo not affect forolgno»s. lt is ©videutl> not so easy to things to whlU? people nor to woik on thelr imagluatioui to the *atvie oxteul. In rtveot Uuh'* tlie kiUuioaH have h«>n .o«u>Ioy!.»j; the klog t«> lafluonce na!lve vote> and o»Uv« le|(ls%ators Kahunahm is «tili tho nativo religiouj thc ty'a« Oaturally thejhead of tx>th ehneoh and stak', ie iwuroi>e. rorbap we ou*ht to li*vc a UU(« more re«pect for : oth<6) peopte*« reUglou. ean uot be held to Iw a fautt |whtl( o»Jy ono of a thou<»nnd i-j fre< fr<wtk 11» ovpu *mong th<# civiliKed uaUoUH. !T>i RKSIONEI>I n g!ving uj iM*ltloft In the TV>vf*>na govet»U(mt, Ilon. F. .l-mew di<' a mo|t graeeful aud .-o»aie«vtAt.!f thinj. whieh vouif* a«« nearT»etnj p®trtc|liMn» anythlng T have «»vei aeeo |tju unregen<y*ate That a gcnUe(Oftu of "ue!» hlgt Ntand bg «nU eharavter, «ueh * good ®nl«*lon&ry aod ohun'hionan* •Weh 1 1 Mend of ro; al(y atii! a<lirotrei Of th» faiher app&reut, «houW evo gtve |p anyt2i!uf h one «>f th»>« event thaf make fruth -!ra»g«>i than Mr. Jone- »mMt hifvv b©e« 01 4.h m!nKer ' 0f F1 iwe® ftt4xwl at t«c tt»# rt k ieue»l4ot of i4un|ferer« •W; Jsky#4 upou m .li aauai b#'leco4«»l t»< l»te i t4t he «tWk to ys4>rifeomfeltke i i man. g#riowl3?f wtwt u-# L tiitf i\ e loni#? j
A <IOOD|EXAMPLE.— T W'oaelei ii eyer io *he hi-4orj" of Hawaii ~uiother aaar. ? -o :ikiEter>«Te<l »n.i ii igh-catinl< (1 will fouti 1 ?rb will w;;hrigiy an h-nc-r and !u rwl ire oSā»:e. Woaltl MrHmiUi ltave tfce ?tyla him fc Uo a tbing 1 ke that* W<r hope Mr. Sißith wllī the tthok- ■.zami'k of ni* gr»«ai < aH»-agut' <MR-untly :: 1 hn'' niin-i'- | >and if !)i J *' v «e»'*p|«M 4 hf« i f««ininT iU f lt - f rMCi - • wo!! 4 < " ' h#. f- • • ihm * 'uu.i; -u i i\ . J , , t! ."nfl i-no" »f th- ' uml«- .hnu thl;a, we say, go anel eio likewne ; and re-*1 in peaee. TBUTH. —Some liuie ago we characterl£ed a -tatouient of the idverti*er l f> as a «'Pjrovisional Lie." The A<ii;erti*e'}- sai<i tluit 3īr. 3Xerhtens wa* apix>intc<i oō sly'teuiporari!y during the ul>senee bf Mr, j Wilder, Tiu< wore the f;uuiiiar i ear )»arks a»d io»2 frock «>oat • <>t |the pJdus fabhood and we )>r.j i ft a« siir'fj ut onep. Nnu: Mr. Wisder f ha* returned and been n\ad<> Deputy ! AUornt\v*<ieuk>nd nnd Mr. Brosvn I has been appolnted i» his plaee, and jstiXl Mehrtens is in the Poliee ' StSitioD. Didn ? t we tell you <k>? i , CHE FA.—Xothing in Ha-waiian ]politics is better kuown or more ! talked of than the lottevy ga®es whieh are ruouing constantly under the very eyes of the poliee. The amouuts recqive<! by the poliee for their couniv&nce are large. We have hoped tq see a stop put to this kind of cori|uption, uot so mueh that the gaijnbling evil uiay be abated, as thiat we raay have an indication of gre«ter lioneaty iu the adminiBtration of the department that is supposki to guard the righft of pei:.sorw and| property iu this city, When ne\V Marshal eame in, it was doulitleīss wlth the inlention of conducting his olllee according to kw without fear or favor. But there are ruore iu the Attor-tte,y-<3tett«ra('s Departmeut ihan ouldteam of. The stati»n bDuse is haa»ted by tbe sp2riis oi evll ihings. t.2iat. will aot <Jqwk oroat.
X rvvoiui3oL* f ev a&e* to break tbe famify pall, cnanteraet. 1 the !oc!ge Inf!aence, nor to wealeon 1 the oecutt po-wer of gold. One tlme 1 Marshal A?hloy wanted to knowthe partf<ī«lar3 aboat the brlhes pa!d the ! pollro. By the aM of ?orae of the/] Lib<*rals, n llst of the f&yees of! chf> fa banks were obta!ned, 1 and amngement=: were raade to "(iiMii'e ovldence to convict the: bHho-takers. Alas, when the list was produce<l ; the ?rarshal , s ardor cnoled, Weeks have pa>scd, aml it is over—mahope with the Mar«hr\? in lhat regard. He apparently ha* imformatlon° enough; he hns no need of evidence. He must associate vith bribe-takers or leave his of!lce. oMee w sweet—as gokl is preciou* to the sordid soul. THK JAPANKBK rONVKT — 1 oonfess that 1 am glad that the J«panes«tc»nvlct whoescaped to the warship 4< Naaiva" is not to be retornetl to the loving care of Captain Tripp and his minions. r have seen severai japanese convicted of niurjder and other eninea in the courts [of the other isjtaiids in a manhcr that creat©d a str)ujj prejudice in my mind in favor of the aceused. There is no earUily r©a»ou why a wretched creatare who ha» the to efuape to what in law fore!gn terrlteay, »houid be seot Uiek te lie tortami. Men ara but the playUiing9 of clrcumstaoces, aud those ltt Jall a» better men than tliw outnide. Wlth the eountry fuTT of 3auntīng Iheli' Ht-gotteu gsiUs in tbe fiice of dt?conoy, onc% i >yuj|>atlib ? t are nrtturally »ttrftcted by tlie plain crtrn»nal, My admlrallon for the Jai«*ue«*i tnort'Msv - dallj. lf tt had been an American shlp and Anierloan TaljeAn, he wonM havo heen sent Unek in !rou? w ß tth «ji]p?sprīSte' conc»,»mmH&iit-. .\*.hane A t e an Amer!can aiiny prftteotfon rir f&vt»r fr»>na hl> r»rnmont 1- fn que*£ī<M>. Thaf i-» ivot Hv#y mak» l patr!obi atign»cnt th» g!nry «f n »ouiitry. I*!vory f;>ot nf !errītory V;t h tv-"n refujjc t<sr evory eitizeu nr> māftr r hnw rUfc&n or urifortu;, gs,nd .nv*ry repre*enUt!ve of the h&me -houfi) W * oe*ta!s3 frtrnd ot hf*rnuntiyrucri 4 a?l tfce r<?«t of the
POLITff\\L ' botter of oor pajJL|tk>n htiv«? n«?Vtr hn-l anv or 1 «aJM «r'iy -? any soele?y 4r vlah bas aav- ' likt- tbe ciunber'c£"dpi enil wh-> are intere«t€"l ia gyyrn~ ■ mont. An a9soclation U ' ;p£ whi"h U de*titied to |&y an wle īa |fee * afT-»!r» of this eoontry. It je 10 in -lu-l-' :n the tir*t plaee all support- - r. ~f thc pre<eot • govern«ie«t :m<l ' .u! uli.) art* iufavar of t:on :»n<l Ji»p«wed to royaS?y. Ido no: un<lei>i;in'.l i? lhat iiyfry. who siga the .-!! of this sfjtiety fjJedg"e ■them->elve> to:?upportthe Frovj£o«ai OoverQroent a? now consmut,ed, bu! t !to support the principle» apon. i whieh the goveruaient wa,- ioandwl j and 'to earry out the ol(|©efc for whieh it inaugurated. It Im- ] heen made to appear that tht> friends of annexation ,were few in ■ i Hawail nei, and that the fc|iower> | of 'aie new government wore fe\v ; ami far betv>een. That is flie im-; pre-'>ion reporter?|tud other|tninyr- , ers here, emel, the anlopni u- '■ <*ourse of the govern.ment Is fespon-1 sihle for it. Tho ,neSv orgamzation will serve first of ail to Bqbw the J strength of Ihe annexatioa|pHrty, , and ssecondly, it vpill; hwp thc government to find out t« way to fuiftli lts mission and cWry out the provisions of the fem# they hoid directly from the peeple. It wlll enable the people fe§ make their voice heard and fc»ir !nAuenee felt. | THE REEF.—No monthT hardly a week, passes that some misoner does noj; make his escape aom the cha;in gang. If it were aJ easy to get out of the country a$ ltp to get out of jail, Captam Tripp*B Mtftpl<»yment would soon be gOne- Jcaptain Tripp is a staunch royd]l6t ®ld particuiar crony of Wilsoas. He has chosen his subardije&Je* ex ciuBively from his wlfe*s £&&Uons. Not ioag «igo one of h(g «4use 7 % n«j»hews who had takea A«pSace ot a trnstw>rtby oian y&ars in tbe sarvice f got ārunk <i jā lefl
pc«wl, U> guarcl aael weat l?aYiug his eb&tg#> to tafcß Ware of ikew6elves. This class ot jraei|Are the particular favorites of tho (J. aud auy attempt to dislodge i the ( in wlll be mei with,a sliari> rebaft, ,< THE NEW MINtSTKE,-Mini3ter King shows h!s by pablishing the advciil:Ts6ffilflfe or his deparfment īn the We presume thftt th& ex-ōr^B—Dr the disposed organ, as if prefer to be called—xfill Hsve tho patronage of anoth<>r braiscti of tho ptiblic se*vfce. The new Snnlstor of Fio«nee T. 0. Porter fs a clerk of Spreckei's Bank. t tlved in these īslinds feverat ye^fs"fe!l(l l avo edit«l a hewsp«per tn Etdfil3btu for more than two, yet t of Mr. Porter tiU he Minisler of Finauce. Hla aj>potntuienl is not one of thdse r ab?;cure my»terieB that ao COUIūUDd the onlinary īoinU in €o&temygHating the Hcts of ti>e new goverument lodeetl this iaa very »imple affair. The powers uaust have money tp run the goveruiuent luaehiue, esgepially to jpay ex*aepotsed, royalty tiywager, appar»nt expectant, and their eonsiiki» aud Lheir aunts to Uie fourth They 4o na& h»ve the vourair«i to raise it by taxatiou. īt i* weil known ihat all the rich men have m eaaeh "inAuenee" tbat they eanmM. b« taxed. Sa Oie JPte3visional xmi»fc ae€>d» borcow. immv* hoping Uuoie fc*am wiU »{tay it > Iropeeekei* has aU lhei mmis in the eouniry., Tii«iy aak lor aloan; he «*y*, <4 V«w, but I muatMve repreneuiMUon iu liie"ii; IMiiīa Mr, >»-auii-sa, w#ctert-' * m " ioedia4«iy Mr. i&*pp<>inte<i —• geatieo»n of iugh an *hle f»t*tesman, & frieadaf the eaasc iwoi aw»y laek. That'a «tatecrafi! ttmv