The Liberal, Volume I, Number 54, 18 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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;.10£L Wh;, urtrnfflen': ?.!I y-er:--?m?ii - crc- -v--1 io3f lnto the Bulletin * lXx? iJP-,% ilūak tbac the ex-organ i> | a-mo*o? ort % aad ttgreeabie liektlie A< 7 >:r - t and mort> a4Q£ativ£ to patronage Uian Thj£ Why is it that iu a& adv®rts§!ment m the By Authority nA!mas?of Friday'r» Bulletin this r styled a •King-bera-L has been le impresslon tfcat or a part of one^ i:he hands of at» Lord's Anaoinleel. 5B OF PEOPLE LiBERiLL has no l about the. preseat ersoaally 'no one :he paper haa any ide. The avowed fovernment is the svhich The Lubee--1 several months have had our fu!l ;rniueat patronage. deserving Liberal? have been "given jst may reasonably »vlded for ih due (īesi there is not an Li6ebal prepared ntain aoooe anlruad,he powery regent. gs of the g»vernsance and nonfea>ing that no frtendly ?gnore them. As ite of puWie affait->

what cann.ot approve of. In maoyt)f€ motfves oX tho are paat diviulag- W? would like to kuow why ' Lffiaqjjsgfo .is j. paid j(oux- or five hunaw? <Jolfars a week out of the wellnigh depleted public treasary. Ia she 33l,Qssea > or she uot? If shels should she draw her Baiaiy wlpeh? Are the provisiouai who are so liberal with the the euemivs or friends aLroyaity? \Vhat do they gftlu or to gaia by such double dē»iing? do they pay Kaiulāttl for inAueneo in Washington agamst the objects of the Why do thoy keep her one oi the most reof pubfor whieh he is admittediy insi»petent &nd whieh he has maaii l a disgraee aad source of 1068 to illā' goverameDt? Why was Wiider, of><? of Wllsoa's iieute&ant», be deputy AttorneyGeiaerait jjwd, why was Mehrteas relnstafe4t aml SFhy was Nawaakoa l proißOted? Why are the Couueils eo vexy Uyjtoh with their supposed eoeoalee sild &o ver>- niggardly with their tried Why iō it tbat ihere are U3irteeu iiuadred doilars per modth for anworthy atid disjcaideif myaity aud seveaty-tive <k-!h*r-» ■» !ī»outn f ( .-r iueuwhb were rea<fy le % <Jowa their lives for the ean thou3&nds be irittened away on onnece3aary objeets «ad uaworUny persoos, and yet £he fiad the axu&il&st a mau who h shteere in support of AmerieaD priucipies, and who ha» iost his pMtfeor throu«h dc*vutiou to thls mme provmouai juuto; Ma»ity, do M»e geatieuaeu vl the Kxecuttv«» Councii cousidei Li nght aae tbe pleuas powers lnbrosted to them by tht pt4;, |rfe, as if tfcey were ho!ding oiiiw' i \! 4IvAM ruicr» ui' Jh) tbey Uiiakliu tluete |m£ JU»sk owu gratiikatiou m tfeey<lo their pri\ Ate property? Tbeo wby āo Uj,«y ie*tat Wl 1 Mave they n«- reg«<<4 for juat?' e, Oi' bUigAtio:.>, t.r puhin. o|rfēioftst lio they tbiak thi,-y c*n sttch a cvatie : iMi th«y thfnk: tlie p«ople will it. D» tl*y tli«i thv> are *. r / -

I*iiing iou» disrepuc*j ia ttie t anu aī.houie? LE<iISLATIOK, —We do : uot *lsree witU our voaWuiporara-?, the BuUetin.*ntl. A<twtui,- t in rejf*ril to tbe legisUtiveduties of tbe Couucii. Xheir ehie? eoneera ha3 aiway> to aee tUat aothiug wa.< <Ioa«. They are assiduou3 j»tudeuts oT "hov< not tp <io it.' , Ou tue otber l)»nd we beU«ve ia doing thißg> 4 iu a'ways struggling ouwArd towwd a ideal. We do not see m the eouneii mereiy a cooamittec of cUizens feo*diog the gov.ernmeut tenjporaruy in. trust for the UnUe<l SUtes, bai iho gerui o' a good governon?at for these Islaud3, ije it, # a territory of the Uuioii or as an indepenaent republic tiii we eau attain siatebooa. A eonstitution and government that developes to fit tbe ueed> or-genus of a peopie, iike that of England, ls more perfeet Uian a»y ready wiwie affair.- We wish to see the Couucil expend and develop to me©t the needs of the tiaie r s. It only re-viuires a popuiar mode of fiiiīng vaeancies and a !ittie boidness m aetion to make of the 4|dvl3ory Oouneil 4 good, jyeruianent governnient, adoairably adapted to the needsof this_ country. As it stands f in faet, it is, far and away the I»st goveruniert Hawaii has ever had. The eountry bas been eursed with a long serie-! of veaai, iaeompetent anel altogethor ! viie iegislature-. >-ome good legisi iatioti is needeJ. The 0;<1 systeni ei

I tuojaaīLU> ; The people aemami reforaa. They have ioog struggled ioi it. Let there be aa end to waiting ior iir3t one tliing and thea another. Let tbe Coancii legislate; we have more eou* | fidence iu them than m any repreof the White. or Koahou genus. ... ' A THIRD SEX.—There ean be no doobt that the tendencies of evoiution are making inan a sociai animal, Observaiion of other social animais may give us some hints of what the future the race is to be. In every associat!on of animah there is a tendency to the specialization of functions, just as thereis in the bodies of abimals and plants. One »etof indiv|duals heeome the workers» another the warriors, etc, In human society we find divl3lon of iabor deveioping paru passu with civilization. The aoelai insects present the greafcest speciaiization\of different duties. Ohe of the raost remarkable features of their iife is the iimitation ofj the funetion of reproductiou to a few apeeial individnais. īhe great mass of the populatiou of the bee hive or ant 'hiii are neuter-sexiess. Itjive3tigatlbn shows tfaat tbe workers are on<leveioped females. Away back in geoiogic tiaies l>efore man begati:to be uian at '«U,- we may iauppoae that the iadīes of thoee pr»tozoic sqciety of articulata got up ia woman 7 » tights movement and carried it through to im iogtcai eoneiUHion, They became the workera and warriora, the baitders and while the male» heeaine dronesand fell into idleness aad contempt. In huoian society we ae« the beginning of a paniiel movement. Half of the nee 'm not required for norkers, mhl crowding themselves inio every bosiness aad profession.

j Tne *oUowiog po!Uica! gems «e | pabli*h«<l by reqaest <•? a guanl of {■€to. <S A, ! " who! conee!ve<i t!iem \ while i» the Ooveniment ouii<.ling: I 1 The tum hu- <vn.e when mm " -A'UU hearts uiM l r uh^ 4 Morft rise *nd take thv mMl!re^teUreias 0f go\'eraißeistt t«>o loag īeft ih ;ibcbaiul£ ■

trkks:«?r- '.i. aodsAiid &e€s t&e migbty v,;hkl>* o! staie Hsuted through ih* lo ar iguob!e Yet not protW. liku & maii, 1« «tjre!y aot an AttJērte$u. tiod give o» aiea' *. timv ltft« UiU lieiuauii Stroag bearts, true idith aa<l rea4i* La,aU>. whoai tlje iu3i of osSk« d*x i s qoj kiiL: whaui ihe ā>in:ub oī oUke caaoot buy. . ileu who p0i50vi opiuioua aad a Wili. r . .: ilpa who liavo U«nor. Meu wUo will aot ile. \V. S. 0. H. Jauuary-i»t, •