The Liberal, Volume I, Number 53, 15 Malaki 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. PROPER MEN IN PROPER PLACES. [ARTICLE]
fci>!TOH Liberax: 1 wmai to B3k thb, Is the Proviaioaai Gov«rnmenl lo ooniioae <m tiie aame rotteu i fts Uie M(mArchicai Goverameat? , 1a f&writiKa, aot aiexit or capafc-iliti Itobe īn the order of the day? Or is Um P. O, goios to adopt a aew sys- [ t£tt, baaed ou »'equal riglits aad | that is, io appoial proper aad capable mea at the iiea4 o£ eaeh bureftu? 9r haa ihe P, 0, ao intentioa oX doia£ th&a ietUog the rotlea sj'3taiu o' M. U. eouliauo? Are the "hairy pareat" aud othera to dicUte >vho is Ui bo appoia(ed? Pleeu>f let ;he public Icqqw. The aooaee tb.v b&fcfcer. I aee uolhi&g to hinder , organizing of a goo<l syatem o< gv?vernment «t onee. By appointing prqp«r men in proper ptace«, th« Qxeca<ive offlc«rB, wili be. caujiing oiu 4ttty U>waxti the peopie wlwiii. tht&\j;spj:&«eut. U| eo&eae men are aomeiime io£Uienc§d by prejudice, bigotry, aad narro%naiwleiineā», This may be the case oC ae«ae ihe P- G. oi&een. Wfay «8%
repe4£ t£ue 354W1 ald ov«r aad over; by bUck3aiifclis for carpenter work, autl a carpeuter for a blacksanth, or a taiiat a» a bsirber, aad a barber as a tai!or, iacertiuiily absurd. v I ohserve aud the |-üblic aiao thai maoy civiliaas are appolnīel to highmilitary pos}Uions withgorgeous tit4«s of Majors, Colonels f *ot naeutioning lower gradea. Why ali this clisplayof farce? Are we aii in the sUte o( degradation or corruption? Foor Uttle Hawaii! Is Operit bouffe to be in ōrder yet? Why are not traintid military uaeu cduc&ted . for warfaro to be found in Hawaii nei? Mea who are frieudly to the caase o( annexatioo or an ioUepeadent republic? The other day I saw a man waikin£with President DDie whoml was told is tbe Aid <te amp wlth the rank of Major. He wa-> waiking on the wrong 3ide of 3Uperior, »mi perbap*. )I he wa? ōr&seā m un)locm, I woulā aat be iucyci"-^ f 2 i( he wotG hH sword on Ihe side an& the j>uWic 'm Ihe preseDce o! tbe Presideot, io,*!tea'l ot the Fresident doing the <ieretaoui, What a joke for our uavai men to Uugh at, I( Another Hawaiiau fish oat of tht water! " The Hawaiian M<>mrcky bad aearly the saoae foolish taate, hui thia ū worst than I have ev©r jeec, I ihink witb ver>' iilUe exēcutive ahlliii*, a man onlinary knowledgr» of haalne»» wo«ld bsve * befcter sel9ctioa of offlcer» of the aroiy than the P. O. dtd. Mf. Boper woald be reinstatml m Ihe sbip, as a man who airaa>dy hliii the axperienee of that JepartmeQt, 31r, <Jood as a Port Surveyor, Ashiev a* a €o«©et©r, et& Thfe wunlil lc u cbsroge display of gcnx' taatv, In order to »tart m the rlght way, the head of meh bareau shoatd ha a oew man of exf?cuSlve abiiity in hb prrjper plaee a€p}rdlag l<> profea*lon. eommenee anew by » mw $y*lem new jsrovemmfent, neiv heai-«. A tuati canßOt serve twu lor<h\ like the «*iiairy pareat" an<i tht* bniiiant Aid'M wmp. ■ Tfe<- P, iu.jttu uugUt io he, !>re alwa' fn *]h rigi.t> ī «pi' pmpei* men in pf"s>er ke>y**ist ami appb - . Yoc3f; llawau. KanoUkīu, Mar. H, 1*93- * 1