The Liberal, Volume I, Number 52, 11 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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' TfIK — Tty -Tue I cigttreUe«* >.i Kqijk* < j£ r otv | tart They sry f*r *ml »w*ay ' tUe ras*t *mofce oMalUabte :r. Hono- ' U» «. j THK spRK(KEL> INKLU- | .Spreckel> is »pparent- ! y proaioiiiiiC 'tif u ju-jv ;nj\:e- -) in»etii. lt i"» g«rH'rMily ■ l*?lievwl in j the Caited St *tea that ls«* I owii- *he Is'An(i?. Wht3ii lio leo«is to Ik* forvk"ĀrUiug: ,t :•> ha\'e the«n annexed, the people onee. sWpect.!i deul. -The peo»>le m( the' Stntes have h:i«l experienco «Uh .tuā :iiv*y are t > pru:upt in i«-nding aid tn trusts and Mtintt.s The Sp:eckols inf!uenco ls ; ij*.■ t likt>ly* to rentler unnexation »i»r© p!>f>urar Jn the Utiitefl ft !s iudisputable that the Hawaiinn planters are pretty well undet Spreckels thuiuf. Not mnny monthir, ago he was here and secured a, number of contraets whieh gave him* control of alinost the whole output of Huwaiian sugar, He is In poSitiwa' to reap the benefiU> of annexation, The remarkabl« rise in sugar ls an opportunity to make mlHlona Ever>- chat>ge in the pwwpeel#» annexati«n will be the occaslon fo£ deflls. J HAVE 4 LIC?—It seews prolMWe d^v k Congre»s flōt' aft on tiSe aotie2o ation treaty before December. īol the mean time the oHW;iiinn fftie|| •nwrmii from every poīnl hikl Hawaiis itself wīll be .iubject to tbe| closest inapeelion, almost by un aimi' of keen nowspaper aieo*, and f>o-!!<ibly m offlcittl <'ommissl6rt' may eome liere frotu Waslūngton tp [ discover "the people." The tr%o' friends of annexalion have reasoa to be alaruiod, The gent!emen at, the head of the Provislonal Goverti-1 ment cannot by any stretch of itn : agination be considered to repre*ent the people. At one tioie they_coul<J, when they were placed in their posltions by a large mass meetīng of the best elQment of our popu!atiou. Thev then could elaim that they were the : eholee of at least one class of - the , people; but,' considering that the ] whele schetqe and program was cut and drled īn W. O. Satfth , iS &nd carried through as p&rAinged, beforea crowd of curlou> people who really had nothing to say nhout it, their el&im to represjent the people was always a rather dublous> ons. When they began to dlscharge the functions of their offiees they knew perfectly well whal the peoplewiahed and especially theīr taentB; but far frooi lrylng lo repr©-1 seot Ihe people and carrj- out the . people'a lhey $et selvesup uaiodepeadetlt who peoogobte<l no obUgatbus, 00peoailtm> lsau4<£ V fltisfgesttQn«i ot frot6 w?| people who placed ihein tei^ w |y wwp r*mrtic4 a-r nttempb *'dlctatc." The n-w jKvecttmeat eooM m% lf tny one ittempted fhem they wouU go }u->( Ihe opi* w*y to ihow how UUle eari£Tj ft>r Ihe people coJt«ct®fj' &ingiy. Kow U in a a©ifovidēmT lact that 3mith and do aot repreg@ut iiayotie ataU. thelr faacied 2ecurity ihey given >uch a di3pl<iy of afey.^" menaoeee that no oae eaa to approve th«m.. ii w owr# thaa pruhaUe twj|p| Uoited ?«atts Ss gulng to tnfn f!ii> wh«ho* of the ntay heeome a nectt«lty lu ihe ih'WWUH'a* <m »OUM: afcive ha»ls. U we reasy" 4flsSHl? afmex*U<Ki <m Tm>m%hh., »i»ouUi aoi ailow a lu the o«*u<e on &ct'imu£ ui

® represeatativfc. The Unīted [ v ill very eeaae to i W™* a governmeat appareatiy; jjßtiin power by their owa forces, | the aopport or approval of I dass or portion of Hawaii's ■ tehahitants. The llulted States llp want to treet with an inpopuiar goveramenL Tpwe Sam ia not going to make ridiculous before ail the of the earth by I>eing a to a shameful fkrce. īf hej #ald not be bamboozled in a I {M*th, he ean net be in a year. ithout the imperative necesy of haviug a more popular vernment to earry out the objectd the revolution. there are ample %»sons for reorganirāng the govern!sent fn the fact that it is likely to on for u longer tlcae than was | =Blpected. We can'«ot now ekpect =#havea governor from the~states Pie of a j*ear. The fact that the ?nt government inu no constitu-. and nO definite structure or ap-1 of power.-5 render ,it; fnfit for a permanent institution. I Wie proc!aonatlon cannot be consi- j ®fered a constftution. It ls more of oT9tīon than a lega! docuuient. He Advlsory CouuqU is a i>uflicieatw repfesentatlye body if some aiegjjj3d of keeplng it so .could be »vlsed ftod adopted. It has legisiaPom poWera but itis power!ess unleas has the right to paas a vote of of coafi4ence ;n M wotiid be in order now for the j to eome out boldly and! h» act defiung the powers of 1 aua caoiaet saste" £rthe eleeiion of weoJbqts oaa opee popular basis. The Coancil 9f%t have as mueh power as the kgisi&ture had under the okl constit«tion; with iess it cannot long exIf the gentiemea of the Proviafcmal Government de not rise to ft> meetthe exigencies of the tinies, ihey may ruin themseives and the The re i ,establishment of ]the monarchy has aiready swung sWithin the range of possibilities. i F. S. Pratt, a Hawaiian Consul at Prancisco, has presented the protest of the heirs of the Kamehatfieha'B fn regard fo the disposal of tbe Crown Lands. He is a strong worker against annexation although be receives a large salary from the PmvlBlSnal Govērnment. The number of royaHBts in the pay of the government and the great pains taken to keep theiu in spite of «II opposition *makes one thiok that they *re at heart agaihst anhexatlon aml [we oo!v waiting for an opportunity make a favorab!e compromN\ i The plea that thev want only eoiu-! !petet)t mert i* «II ln>h. Were there 1 llM» cOWipetent men in the annex-j ! ation movement? The api>ointraentB fnr made have f>een* selectlons of | >th* ver%' mo«»t appll-' l&mt T« Pmtt the ni«-wt <*ompetent | for San Franc»sco? Isj thp mo*t competenl man | k* Wwwlala ?or Fort īs | FHHFsHtfcet th<* most j I honest, energetic and efßcient Col- j of Cu®tofn- that the f?overn-! tat r«ti fled° Are thcy n«f ?n 1 tfw> *afd Fnther Apparenf # ' >' • i \ e THE I)E3IOCHATij, - There L, j taik ol reorganizing tho' t>iber*l L<*ague u Demo<:rstic poiiti<:&i ctub. Tht- Leaguv in tht; p«st bevaaQ inip«)rti»s.t f,v. tor in KhW4Uju It K-t'\ vr-ry fearcd by t.'th buod!e part.c-, a firai aiuml oft t!ic- trur of gojd gu\t rimK»nt, it tUtsaya heea i:i thc- rīghr. Sfince aid t)ti(ig-i !uv>- ,wv>ty at*rt" -tro ! of«»r' t-i i" 1 - Ui- li£ Ui,it iii- . -hwnM j ,fur \> ( !i i?v tN t?"-y Wi' fu|t*vcr up| >• d t«« ufty f ';n =•' a. r