The Liberal, Volume I, Number 51, 8 Malaki 1893 — [Illegible] [ARTICLE]
"My Hj»vati&o COtt»tryaiwi, wt ii*ve obtjtined ihU iaiiaIm&an i&np,,9&QX*.'' Itus quounUda prov«i> > &Mk 5C«d" X uiii J«uitts * Umgy,e, Wiien; di*i fe-s scc<r>vd bU ioāipimiioo wiuui h» vo4ed lor &a& damnable loUe*& kill, a&d wkai do his dklvōatbU frleikls Ihlnle ofhim? briUiaut strok€' vi oa lfje" pa.rt <»f X, fi. [ XH*vi68 e$cort the ,vabag ex« i to WashingtoQ, IX C. It , wiil b«e as easy roliing off a , for tbo Americao people to deteri miii© what the plaeiāi of Kaiulam ;ōn the kh«me woaSl uieuo. It aot requlre a 'ka.huuu" to i predid lliai the ta.ik. of Kaiulani i aaii ber guar>iiun is hepeieaa. The | prtij>eucv of deluoct dasky rojaltj.- | wiii be o{ uo apeeial avail iu Attieric!i, &$ everjp oiaie eiiiiii m heir io iht* throoe aad fvery mau a sovereigD. . , TIie Advlsory Oouoeil were uq the vqjr|fe ol makiag au api>oiatmeat, whieh wouid have wreckf(i. theca, The Irish ifeg has a puli ia the CouucU» but w£§ju i| b$; so ytn>og to 4C£ouipliah the aenomlmeul of a i$id Naiioaal who b dpt§at£d by every ia||uibei of the to on$ o£ the softest *»3aaps" iu the guuutry, it to be i&l ofi»pti. GeuUc-uieu II ycur aasong your ?rieMi3 yōt? ars eii proper track. There are aome iu fchii ooiuaiuuity who are iudeed fortauate. 2*o matter where they have stood īq politics; no matter their hayō heeii, * if f there is any polUieuī. ōhangē iuvariably fiads them landtd on, their feet. This oa«iy be ( due to their intrigu1ng fin«s*e. It uiHy bc due tj their vrive.s" uhcles. At any rate it ,$eems u» if they ara aUhou'gh the soyrce f 9l the ftifaMibiHty n •_> mystety\ ī longfa!!y awall anneOtīon. Wheu we are onee a port!on of the great , Ūnion, th« fam!!y h»8tience on the one side, and the ««huole** h«tped - on the other. whk'h =et-> as!de, and recogntzes on!y the gr«La!l prlnclple will b<3 dead f aud untramme!e<1 aM!lty will have a falr f!e!d. Ax Imcnt?d!ate cb&nge lu ihe Pollee DepartmenC i- aecessary. was a betief thr*t the reuiova! of <?. B. Wiimm a of tfse Sc«ae. That aiere!/fl %eīu$i<m h not? 3ppart?at. Thi- sami mpe. ara 5ttT! rt3finlog thing>. Cht' fa gaiiiē> aftt yM fn fuīl b!s-t. A* !« Vlnj{ t of*!fll> *>M and coō«īG!f'? <fve?. T!iL- wlii uot ThY?»g> īl ls #MW|* &eM : £ii£ >mt belleve<f liui "g*mf4cr- V atiuuc mo-nev" t-v 11« T? ml Sfsf&ha1*s >uWrd{nate> 'ihā urf(ifthful, why d&es ' fwTtf$f'W%<:bēi?g*> e,atlre p&ek f Th« fir»t thīrty-fiv<;- eueo who took up anm ibe u<s | m<Ht*y t.;vI are *tuk1 tng T?:-y ean i-s j a* w ..rtby. II Lhe 1 ?*«#«! Pmē h īneompeiem , «kjr &ot 0H4» ihem mea a ehaaee? , la H tro£gr> jusi ur k» . apf>o!Qt men wbo hid $roiiid Uie-au-»elvas Iq »pposltion io the Pruvi<.Joveniaoeot ? It i$disgraceful! .S&ou«i aa hoa«st ī£overnBient , bliacl io » mjuot ! a of a raac> frtrai»vr ti<in, «il' 1 h'» wht?'»G«Ii!f?? I th'?k it :hvalTX Tf ?fSf> fho gt>V(»toment »ro t>c le a«.da wba»t 'Hey ai« tiu<.Ui.;kt* ai. r4uiwal CUa.Uj*<£) k ii. VOi»